Elements of the Beaufort County Commissioners Prefer and Endorse an Inferior Product of Communicative Service for Beaufort County's Citizens. | Eastern North Carolina Now

Beaufort County's majority, a veritable coalition of nominal Republicans and Democratic Socialists, voted against improving the quality of the filming of the board's meetings, all within their blissful quest for abject mediocrity.

    Beaufort County's majority, a veritable coalition of nominal Republicans and Democratic Socialists, voted against improving the quality of the filming of the board's meetings, all within their blissful quest for abject mediocrity. And, the cost savings for not making improvements over the cost to make for a far better presentation of the People's business - none; no cost savings whatsoever, just the continuation of a mediocre product, where a better videocast could be effected for the betterment of the citizenry of Beaufort County's population, who are curious as to what their county commissioners actually do.

    Remarkably, discovered within the commissioners discussion of this purpose of better communicating of the People's business, there is an unmitigated desire to technologically cloak these meetings, by this majority of commissioners, by serving the public a videocast that may be unwatchable for some, and of a far poorer quality for others. Commissioner Frankie Waters stressed that he wanted to continue a videocast, where the quality would be nominal, "so that the public would see (via videocast) what the citizen would see from the backrow of our meeting chambers".


    While former videographer, now Commissioner Randy Walker, argued for technical improvements versus mediocrity, Commissioner Deatherage argued that the "backrow" concept for presentation was a massive misnomer since the "backrow" in our meeting hall has a large LED screen only feet away from their curious eyes.

The subject in question, the motion, the discussions and the vote can be witnessed in this video: Below.

    After the extended discussion, even one where the four votes in the negative of the motion argued that no constituents have ever discussed the poor quality of videography of these public meetings, the board voted: Republican Commissioners Walker, Richardson and Deatherage voting in the affirmative for the motion, with nominal Republican Commissioners Waters and Rebholz voting in coalition with Democratic Socialist Commissioners Langley and Booth.

If you are interested in what Commissioners Richardson and Deatherage think and know about the complete and ongoing history of filming Beaufort County Commissioners' meetings, here is a segmented discussion of the issue from BCN's new videographed program,What's Happening NOW where we discuss important issues with important people: Below.

    Publisher's note: If you are interested in our Archive of the Beaufort County Commissioners' General Meetings can be found here in this aforementioned enhanced format.

    Additionally, if you wish to catch up on some of the most important Beaufort County Commissioners meeting of 2019 through 2022, click here.

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( December 28th, 2020 @ 3:13 am )
"And, I pray that these true words, an irony in the quest of proper management, but an actual preference now by a majority of Beaufort County Commissioners, there will be few succeeding chapters of this quest in future decision making by our People's government." - Stan Deatherage, December 7, 2020.

The great irony here is that when Commissioner Hood Richardson and myself (Commissioner Stan Deatherage) initiated the filming of the Beaufort County Commissioner Meetings by organizing the effort finance and politically wedge window to government into the public's psyche, nominal Republicans John Rebholz and Frankie Waters were not a part of this laborious and costly process; in fact, neither were Beaufort County Republicans. At that time, John Rebholz was somewhere in Michigan, and Frankie Waters was ingrained within the Democrat(ic) Party helping to elect their Liberal candidates.

Now both are deep within the new Beaufort County Republican party standing tall for sharing power with Democratic Socialists, while standing firm AGAINST proper Open Meetings access, and Free and Fair Elections.
( December 21st, 2020 @ 7:41 pm )
Say it ain't so.

No, I did not mention Keith, but, I cannot imagine that he would want the Commissioners' meeting to be filmed at such a low quality, when we now know that a finer product is so easily at hand.
( December 21st, 2020 @ 7:30 pm )
Are you saying Keith Kidwell is agreeable with Dems, Rebo & Waters?

Beaufort County Emergency Management: COVID-19 Update (12-13-20) Commissioner Meetings, Local News & Expression, The Studio, County Commissioners, Government, Governing Beaufort County Beaufort County Emergency Management: COVID-19 Update (12-14-20)


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