Even More Evidence Legacy Media Is Getting Ready To Dump Joe Biden | Eastern North Carolina Now

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Tim Meads.

    There's a saying that when the pirate ship starts to sink, the rats are the first to jump. That's bad news for President Joe Biden because it looks like the rats in legacy media are starting to bail overboard.

    Over the weekend, the typically lapdog press ran several stories bashing Biden for a change. None of it was necessarily new information, but the media's decision to cover the story was surprising. Biden was hit by The New York Times for his maltreatment of Hunter's daughter in Arkansas. Axios ran a detailed report about how Grandpa Joe is actually Mean Joe. One writer at The Atlantic even called on Biden to step aside in 2024 outright.

    The president's refusal to acknowledge his seventh grandchild is well documented. That Biden is a fraud has been known since at least the 1980s. His temper has been seen with nearly every voter or reporter who has challenged him. The fact that Biden's poll numbers are anemic and his cognitive ability seems to be declining by the day is nothing new for those who read conservative media.

    Yet, for legacy media's audience, this could come as quite a surprise. New York Times opinion columnist Maureen Dowd wrote, "The president's cold shoulder - and heart - is counter to every message he has sent for decades, and it's out of sync with the America he wants to continue to lead."

    In The Atlantic, Eliot Cohen wrote, "Joe Biden had the leading role in a crucial act in the grand story of America, and he played it with grace and honor. It is time for him to take a bow, accept the thanks of a grateful nation, and exit to well-deserved applause."


    In Axios, Alex Thompson effectively wrote a scathing profile of Biden as somebody with a short temper who belittles and bullies his staff. Again, Biden is the guy who got in a shouting match about his IQ with one voter, called another fat, and challenged him to a push-up contest, and has always been quick to snap when pressed against thorny issues by members of the press. He even told a blue-collar worker he was "full of s***."

    That he is a jerk is nothing new.

    But consider that on January 20, 2021 - Biden's first day in office - Axios effectively published a press release lauding Biden for bringing back respect to the White House. The president told his team that if he caught anybody treating each other with disrespect, he would "fire you on the spot. On the spot. No ifs or buts."

    At the time, Axios said that the "Big Picture" was that "Biden's comments reinforce his vision of unity and equity for the U.S. as expressed in his inauguration address earlier in the day - starting with his very own administration."

    Now, it seems the "Big Picture" is that the president is a jackwagon.

    Consider also that in late June, the White House press showed its first real sign of interest in Biden's alleged family crime corruption in the wake of Hunter's lenient plea deal. That was the first time it was evident that something had changed in the press.


    That about-face has now continued. Perhaps the press believes lurkers such as California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom would be the best candidate in 2024. But first, they have to get rid of Biden.

    The views expressed in this piece are the author's own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.
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