Key TX GOP runoff ahead as conservatives romp in KY and ID primaries | Eastern North Carolina Now

state legislatures moving rightward


Conservative candidates did very well in legslative primaries in Idaho and Kentucky, as Texas conservatives are ready to finish the job in primary runoffs for legislative seats there on Tuesday.  Texas also has a key runoff for Congress between conservatives and the establishment GOP.

The legislative battle in Texas began when a group of establishment GOP state house members led by the House speaker voted against Governor Abbot's school choice bill and the governor targeted them for replacement in the primaries.  National conservative groups joined in backing the conservative challengers, as some establishment national groups backed the incumbents.  Many of the renegades fell to the governor's candidates in the first round and most of the rest were forced into runoffs. Among the eight forced into a runoff was RINO State House Speaker Dade Phelan, who finished second behind a conservative challenger. Only one more seat needs to be flipped to get a majority for school choice.

In Kentucky, while the establishment went after staunch conservative Congressman Thomas Massie in his primary, Massie himself endorsed a list of eight staunch conservatives in state legislative primaries against establishment candidates.  Massie won his own race in a landslide and all eight of his endorsed legislative canddidates won.  Massie is expected to run for Kentucky's US Senate seat now held by Mitch McConnell when McConnell leaves.

In Idaho, the conservative Citizens Allilance of Idaho saw all 36 of their candidates in contested primaries win state legislative nominations.

Now it is up to Texas to finish the job.  Governor Abbot has stepped up the pace campaigning for his candidates who are supporting school choice in what has become Texas' most expensive legislative runoff season.  In addition, an establishment congressman who has been censured by the Texas Republican Party for voting on key policy issues with the Democrats, Tony Gonzales, faces a runoff with a conservative challenger, Brandon Herrera, a gun manufacturer and political newcomer. The other candidate in the first round ran to Gonzalez's right and did not make the runoff. His votes are expected to go to Herrera.

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( May 25th, 2024 @ 9:12 pm )
Republicans have too many RINO fakirs in legislative leadership positions. It will be a great sign to see Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan, an Undocumented Democrat, tossed out in his primary. Throw the rascals our, all eight of them in the legislature and the one in Congress, too.

I see where our Undocumented Democrat US House Speaker is backing the RINO in that Texas Congressional runoff. Birds of a feather flock together. We need a change in the US Congress, too.

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