Arlington bureaucrats give runaround to families of fallen soldiers from Afghan bugout | Eastern North Carolina Now

Families who lost loved ones harased for political reasons by Biden-Harris regime


The bureaucrats who run Arlington National Cemetery and who answer to our woke joke of Defense Secretary, who is a Biden-Harris political appointee, should be ashamed of themselves for the way they harassed the 13 gold star families of soldiers fallen in the botched Biden-Harris bugout from Afghanistan.  The treatment of these families was clearly politically motivated.  The botched withdrawal and the American casulaties that resulted are an embarassment to Biden and Harris and they want it to go away.

The first roadblock was trying to force the families to hold the service at a time that not all of them could attend.  The second was the initial refusal to allow the invited guest of the families of the fallen, President Donald Trump to even attend.  The families had invited Trump to attend and lay a wreath, which he accepted.  To break the political impass on the ceremoney, it took the intervention of House Speaker Mike Johnson who finally straightened things out.

Even after the event, the Arlington bureaucrats tried to quible about Trump bringing photographers, claiming that the families had requested no media.  Howver, family members quickly pointed out that the families had invtied Trump to bring protographers and that the Arlington bureaucrats were lying.

Neither Biden nor Harris even acknowledged the sacrafice of these 13 soldiers on the anniversary of their loss, yet their underlings did all they could to harrass the memorial service organized by the families.

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Big Bob said:
( August 30th, 2024 @ 2:49 pm )
Don’t cry when democrats do it. Another normal thing that weirdo Trump just can’t manage.
( August 30th, 2024 @ 12:22 pm )
If you had the gumption to read what the families had to say, THEY were the ones who invited him to bring the photographers. It was no different than Biden having cameras there when he came out to watch the bodies returned home, although he probably wished he hadn't after he got caught constantly looking at his watch.

Calling this a "campaign" event is very disrespectful to the families of our servicemen killed by Biden and Harris' gross incompetence in the Afghan bugout. But you lefties care NOTHING about them. Heck the Biden-Harris aparatchiks did all they could to prevent the memorial service even happening.

Scott Jennings of liberal CNN was spot on when he called the bellyaching you and others spouting the far left talking points on this matter "garbage."
Big Bob said:
( August 30th, 2024 @ 11:02 am )
Invited? Fine. Not a problem.
Why the cameras? Why all the videos on social media and TV? He could have gone and paid his respects, humbly but no. He did the one thing he wasn't supposed to do. Campaign at ANC.

Pissed on everybody for his own benefit.
Big Bob said:
( August 30th, 2024 @ 11:07 am )
Prediction - if trumps poll numbers fall any lower, he will start offering to pay for everyone's abortion. You watch.

Already offering up money for iVF and adding more than 6 six to Florida's abortion ban to boost his poll numbers. dudes a real man of conviction.
( August 30th, 2024 @ 10:46 am )
He was invited by the families of the fallen from the botched Biden-Harris Afghanistan withdrawal. He participated in their ceremony and laid a wreath as he was invited to do. That is not campaigning.

Who pissed on our military were Biden and Harris who were responsible for the loss of those troops, due to Biden and Harris' gross incompetence, but totally failed to do anything to mourn their loss on this anniversary. Biden went when the bodies were first brought home, but didn't want to even be there because he constantly kept looking at his watch wanting to leave.

Scott Jennings of liberal CNN was spot on in the article linked above when he called attacks on Trump for this event "craven". The far left is outdoing themselves.
Big Bob said:
( August 30th, 2024 @ 8:58 am )
No. Trump pissed on ANC. Everyone knows not to campaign at that place.

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