Election reality | Eastern North Carolina Now

This election comes down to what kind of government we want, capitalism or communism



Recent comments made by Fox News reporters make the harsh reality for this election and its impact of the future of our Nation, State, and County clear.  Fox reminds us of Federal corruption in the taking of bribes and the use of the law to punish opposition candidates.  

As voters in Eastern North Carolina, it is easy to believe that all of the bad politicians are somewhere else.  We tend to think that none of our locally elected officials would do anything to harm our Constitution or form of government.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

There are two kinds of elected official who are dangerous to us.  One group is ignorant, in “la la” land, supports efforts to write more laws and regulations to grow a dictatorial government with little understanding of the consequences. They focus on their own well-being and not their charge to be keeper of our form of government.  The other group is diabolical, true believers, members of focus groups dedicated to various (quasi subversive) groups masquerading as having legitimate purposes for mankind.  These range from feeding the hungry to pro-abortion.  Not all groups have sinister goals but those who push society toward more laws and the use of government money to “help people” are subversive to the principles of the founding fathers.  As citizens, we must distinguish the good from the bad.  This is not always easy.  The bad boys, like Hamas, are imbedding themselves with the good guys. The same thing is happening with our outlaw groups in the USA.

It would appear that all too many of us have forgotten the age-old principle that the Government cannot give anything to anyone that it has not first taken away from someone.  There is no 'free lunch'.  Even if the Federal government uses deficit spending to fund its programs, eventually we will pay through higher prices for everything.

We are hearing reports recently of tens of thousands of criminals who have crashed out boarders and are now roaming our country. Kamala Harris, as Biden's “Border Czar” is liable for the damage these criminals will wreck on our society.  ICE revealed last week that there are currently 13,000+ illegal aliens convicted of homicide AND 15,000+ illegals convicted of sexual assault who are roaming the US thanks to ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris.

This election at all levels of government from president to sch is about communism and socialism v democracy.  The radical liberals are pushing for whatever they can get.   Communism requires an authoritarian form of government, a dictatorship or a ruling class.  This was already set up in the Obama-Biden government.

With communism, the government owns or strongly controls all property.  Socialism allows private ownership of some property, but the major property is owned or controlled by the government.  In a peaceful transition from our constitutional form of government, the United States will probably first have socialism, because of our well-defined private property rights. We will have a form of socialism with an elite ruling class.  If we do not have a peaceful take over at the election polls and we continue to not have national borders we could have violent communism.

The name tags may say Democrat or Republican, but the real issues are American capitalism versus communism.  In other words, the real battle is individual freedom versus government control.

The move toward the peaceful takeover is well on its way.  The introduction of millions of illegal immigrants into the United States along with bills that are in Congress to make them legal voting citizens is but one element. The hand-out money from Federal and State governments already put a large portion of the population in the position of voting to preserve "their" government money.  Consider those on Social Security, those with unearned income tax credits, to stipends for handicapped children.  The majority of these people do not understand our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.  They will vote to protect their income.

This is not to say that there are not a few programs that justifiably help needy deserving people.  This does not say those who paid into Social Security do not deserve to collect.  My point is these programs are growing and a lot of the handouts are not deserved.  However, there are a lot of people who do not understand they are voting for communism when they make their own pocketbook the most important issue.

We must not forget that we get what we vote for.  A modern president, the forerunner of the present-day communists, Barack Obama made this statement to voters who complained that his presidency was not what they thought it was going to be. Obama said:  “Elections have consequences”.  Translation: “You knew I was a snake when you voted for me, why did you expect something different?” If you vote for candidates who are pushing public housing, woke education and communist ideology, do not complain when that is what you get.

Reality says that re-electing John Rebholz, Randy Walker and Jerry Langley will allow Beaufort County Government to continue efforts to have public housing at county taxpayer expense, build a new jail, make most decisions in the back room using their majority vote and Fake Frankie Waters to allow county staff to set policy with no public access to government. An example is the building of the new 52-million-dollar school. Commissioner meetings get shorter and shorter while the amount of money being spent increases.  Your property tax rate has not been increased because inflation has increased sales taxes.  That money could and should have been used to lower property tax rates.  When the music of inflation stops, you the taxpayer, are going to be severely taxed to maintain a bloated County government.

There are only two conservatives running for Beaufort County Commissioner.  They are Tandy Dunn and Hood Richardson.

The Beaufort County School System is run by a woke superintendent who controls the vote on the School Board.  The majority of the School Board do not think for themselves.  They do what the Superintendent tells them.  That is why cursive writing is no longer taught, new math rather than classical logic is taught, sexual orientation is emphasized, and graduates are not exposed to civics and the truth of the Constitution of the United States.  We pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for curriculums prepared by socialists and communists so the superintendent can be sure teachers are spouting his kind of propaganda to students.

There are three conservative candidates running for school board seats. District 3 has Malissa Polk, District 5 has Stacey Davis and District 9 has David Hudson.  All are well qualified to serve. The incumbents in these districts are Etha Booth, Mac Hodges and T. W. Allen.  All three of these have sat on their hands for years and provided their “yes man” vote to the superintendent.  We need new blood with new ideas.  We need board members who are not beholden to our Liberal School Superintendent.  Our children deserve an education, not an indoctrination into socialist ideas.

A careful examination of test scores reveals that nearly half of our students perform "below grade level".  Put another way, only a comparative small percentage excel with to level test scores.  The "yes men" school board members have sat there for years and accepted sub-par performance from especially our most capable students.  These "do nothing" knots on a long focus on "minimum performance" rather than on how many of our students achieve excellence.  It is time for a change on this school board!

The long arm of communism and socialism does reach into Beaufort County.  Voting to continue our incumbents in office will make its reach even longer and cost us more for less.

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Big Bob said:
( October 2nd, 2024 @ 2:07 pm )
Don't be alarmed. Everything's fine.
( October 2nd, 2024 @ 1:28 pm )
Climate alarmism is indeed "nothing to see" It is totally bogus, and it reminds me of President Eisenhower's warming in his Farewell Address about the danger of allowing scientists to have influence on public policy. It was as if Eisehower could see into the future about the Covid fascism and climate alarmist debacles. If Ike were alive today, he would be as concerned about the Climate Industrial Complex as he was about the Military Industrial Complex.
( October 2nd, 2024 @ 1:26 pm )
There have been climate cataclysms since the creation of Earth. We can understand this through the geological record found beneath our feet.

Not saying there isn’t some merit to the climate debate, but the reality is the issue has become political, because of those who use the issue to further an agenda or self interest.

Weather is never the same and always changing. People say the storms are worse than ever before. I’ve seen bad storms but I haven’t been alive long enough to judge that. I’m sure there have been worse storms none of us were alive to see.

Clean energy is fine if it’s done right. Pollution is bad and should be prevented to the best of our ability (which we already do). With this in mind we know the fact is, the world we live in has been industrialized, and unless we deindustrialize, to the detriment of every living person, carbon emissions will occur because they are the by-product of all things industry. Not to mention the byproduct of all things living.

Man himself is a carbon based life-form. To believe carbon is a pollutant, is to believe all life a pollution of the Earth.

It was written that the number of the name of the beast is 666. It is curious that on the periodic table of elements; Carbon holds the number 6. Meaning one carbon atom has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons.

I haven’t a clue what it means but it has been made to be so.
Big Bob said:
( October 2nd, 2024 @ 11:55 am )
Keep walking. Nothing to see.
( October 2nd, 2024 @ 9:18 am )
For some REAL science on the global warming scam, the UK's Channel 4 interviewed many prominent scientists from around the world for their documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle" which was broadcast nationally. The scientists explain why CO2 has nothing to do with causing any change in climate. You can watch the whole documentary here: www.youtube.com
Big Bob said:
( October 2nd, 2024 @ 7:28 am )
Yup. Keep moving folks. Nothing to see here.
( October 2nd, 2024 @ 7:02 am )
There have been bad hurricanes throughout history. Hazel in the 1950s is an example that some probably remember. What made Helene so bad was that it ran into a stalled cold front that had already been dumping rain on the same area for days. Cold fronts stall all the time, too. This was just a bad sequence of events. All of that happening over bountainous terrain that is particularly prone to flooding was the other ingredient. CO2 had absolutely nothing to do with it except to the climate cult and their wacky narrative.
Big Bob said:
( October 1st, 2024 @ 8:30 pm )
After that hurricane you're sticking to your position on climate change. Really? That funny.

Anywho, Stan we are all Americans. From the whacko far left to the whacko far right. Those of us in the middle wont be swayed by the doomsday rants, the insults, and the arrogant.

Tomorrow, we will get up, have breakfast, go to work, take care of our families, enjoy our good fortune, grieve our losses, love our friends and neighbors, have a cold one and Thank God at the end of the day.

Honestly I feel sorry for you because you waste the great gift dwelling on our differences. Nobody gets out alive. In a 100 years nobody will even know we were here. Cheers !
Big Bob said:
( October 1st, 2024 @ 9:48 pm )
Debate observation:
Both JD and Tim should be running for president. Harris and Trump should be the VP. Both VP candidates far outshine the presidential candidates. JD has a future but unfortunately he is saddled with crazy.
( October 1st, 2024 @ 4:37 pm )
The only doomsday cult poster on this board is Little Bobbie, a certified member of the Climate Scientology doomsday cult, the biggest doomsday cult in world history. They are Chicken Little on steroids.
( October 1st, 2024 @ 3:21 pm )
Nobody puts a gun to the heads of the core Democratic Socialists, and commands these self-governed people that they must vote for incredibly stupid and dishonest politicians to represent them.

As I understand it, this is their choice since so many Democratic Socialists are so ill informed on what is the truth, and what is the fiction of what they are fed from the Democratic Socialist Propagandistic Media trough. The why in the how of why they are so ill informed is from a myriad of indoctrinations; regardless, it is very frightening to those of who have clarion thought to know that this continues to occur in such large measure, especially when we live in this age of information.

As an optimist, it is my prayer that all is not lost in this self-governed society. The choice in this upcoming election in very simple.

The only unmeasurable issue is: How much will the Democratic Socialists cheat in this 2024 election for president?
Big Bob said:
( October 1st, 2024 @ 3:02 pm )
Are you ok buddy? This post sounds a lot like a doomsday cult.
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