Sen. Thom Tillis now voting to the left of socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders | Eastern North Carolina Now

Heritage Action congressional scorecard reflects liberal votes by Tillis


The Heritage Action scorecard is one of the most respected ratings of Congress on ideology, whether they are conservative or liberal.  Liberal Republican Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina has always shown up as a liberal on that rating, but for the last session of Congress, he scored a first.  His rating was MORE LIBERAL than avowed socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Tillis rated only 39% conservative (to Sanders 46%) in the last session of the Senate, compared to our other GOP US Senator from North Carolina, Sen. Ted Budd, who scored 87% conservative.

Looking at another respected congressional rating, that of the Club for Growth, Tillis rates one of the worst in the Senate on economic issues and Budd one of the best.

Tillis comes up for election again in 2026, and conservatives need to be ready to unseat him in the primary.

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Steve said:
( November 17th, 2024 @ 10:50 am )
Yes, I am ready.I hope someone runs conservative that we can vote for.
( November 14th, 2024 @ 9:01 am )
It looks like a regular cigarette to me, but if it is a reefer, maybe that helps explain Tillis' miserable voting record.
AJ said:
( November 13th, 2024 @ 6:13 pm )
Guys, I"m a conservative and despise RINOs like Tillis, but doctored images (the reefer is fake) are unacceptable. My first, and lost, visit to your site.
( November 12th, 2024 @ 2:09 pm )
Tillis, along with McConnell, gave their votes to allow Biden to pass his phony "infrastructure" bill without having to use their "reconciliation" slot which avoids cloture rules. That was what allowed Biden to keep that reconciliation slot to use to ram through his "Inflation Reduction Act" which was really a big chunk of the Green New Deal, and increased rather than reduced inflation. Tillis is an absolute scoundrel and a traitor. He needs to be primaried and defeeated in 2026.
( November 12th, 2024 @ 1:03 pm )
( November 12th, 2024 @ 12:02 pm )
Follow the money trail.
Don't forget. "We have the best politicians that money can buy."

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