WATCH: Top Govt UFO Investigator Testifies About 3 Extraordinary Cases That Have Yet To Be Solved | Eastern North Carolina Now

The Pentagon's AARO just released its annual report on unidentified anomalous phenomena.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Daniel Chaitin.

    A Pentagon official described on Tuesday a trio of astounding cases involving unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), formerly described as unidentified flying objects (UFOs), that his team of investigators have yet to solve.

    Dr. Jon Kosloski, who recently became the director of the Department of Defense's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), gave testimony to the Senate just days after his crew released their annual report on UAP. The top UFO investigator said there were three cases that "merit analysis" that his team was working on, including one "interesting" example that his team may be in the process of resolving.


    "The first one was brought to us by a law enforcement officer out West where he observed a large orange orb floating several hundred feet above the ground, a couple miles away," Kosloski said. "He went to investigate what was going on with that orb, and as he was pulling up to the location where he thought would be below the orb, about 40 to 60 meters away from some object. The area was well lit. He saw a blacker-than-black object. He said it was about the size of a Prius, 4 to 6 feet wide. And as he got 40 to 60 meters away from the object, it tilted up about 45 degrees, and then it shot up vertically."

    Kosloski said the law enforcement officer claimed the orb moved "10 to 100 times faster than any drone he's ever seen before. And it did that without making a sound, as far as he could tell from inside of his vehicle. And just as it left his field of view through his windshield, then it emitted very bright red and blue lights that illuminated the inside of his vehicle as brightly as if someone had set off fireworks just outside his vehicle, or street flares."

    "That's anomalous because of the size of the vehicle with the great acceleration, and when he came back to investigate that area, he found no disturbance of the ground beneath it. So that's one interesting one," Kosloski said.

    "Another one comes to us from southeast U.S.," Kosloski continued. "There was a U.S. facility where two cars of government contractors were leaving the facility around 9 o'clock in the morning. They looked up in the sky and saw a large, metallic cylinder about the size of a commercial airplane, and it was stationary. They observed that there was a very bright white light behind or around the object. They saw it stationary for 15 to 20 seconds, and then it disappeared. Obviously, an object that large, stationary, unless it's a blimp, is unusual, but then disappearing, we can't explain how that would happen."


    For the third case, which Kosloski also described as "interesting," the UFO investigator said: "We had an aircraft that was flying parallel to another aircraft, and it was capturing imagery of it, and a small-looking object appeared to fly between the two of them, much faster than them. Through very careful analysis, we think that the object might have actually been farther away than the object that it was videotaping, but it requires very careful analysis to come to those conclusions, and we don't have the metadata to support that - yet."

After well over 75 years of what began as "flying saucers" manned by "little green men," to the current verifiable witnessing of a growing interaction between humans and what may be non human higher intelligence: What is your position on alien life interacting with humankind within this immediate territory of our Solar System, within our expansive Milky Way Galaxy, within this one universe that we are becoming increasingly familiar with?
  Yes, I believe ... "The truth is out there."
  No, where is the proof that I will believe?
  Maybe they are already here; have you met my mother 'n' law?
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( November 29th, 2024 @ 7:21 am )
"Climate change" or "global warming" is another red herring of the globalists.
( November 28th, 2024 @ 9:24 pm )
You nailed it, Simmons. The objective of unifying nations across the plane (they say "globe" but the UN logo/symbolism proves otherwise) in response to an "alien" threat has been mentioned, that we know of, since the early 1900' plain English.

These revived talks of UAP's could be seen as a distraction to divert attention away from other matters they don't want attention on. Some of the public's still drinking the Kool Aid, per the script, but more people are asking legitimate questions and also becoming aware of their surroundings.

They don't smart people educating the less informed on their tricks even though the plan has already been laid out. "The Grand Illusion" will fool a lot of people. The Bible mentions this and Styx even wrote a landmark concept album about this subject.
( November 26th, 2024 @ 9:01 pm )
I only say there are UAP because I have seen things in the sky I couldn’t explain. I have seen the light of crafts or orbs that move contrary to our laws of physics and gravity.

This subject has been brought to the surface as of present and there is a reason but everything about it is deception or the speculation of normal people who have had experiences.

The goal is one world government. How to unite the world against a common threat or for a common cause? The climate agenda I guess is too long term and non threatening enough people can just kinda brush it off. Phase two: alien threat.
( November 26th, 2024 @ 8:22 pm )
I do not know whether I believe in UFOs or UAPs, but I do know that I believe in angels; those holy in stature, and those cast-out.
( November 26th, 2024 @ 6:58 pm )
There is a load going on with this issue but I will try to keep it short and simple.

There are crafts/ships/saucers, things whatever they may be, moving to and fro across the earth; these unidentified aerial phenomenon. What they are or what they are doing we can only speculate.

An alien is defined as someone/something that is not native to the area it is in.

These extraterrestrial aliens, they say, have come down to the earth from outer space. Well what is outer space but part of the heavens, and if something has come down or “fallen” from heaven, odds are it has been cast out. We know what things have been cast out of heaven.

These things, once on the earth, are stuck here, until the end. You will hear stories of these crafts going under water or into mountains. That is because they live like bugs, in the dark and deep under ground. Just look at the depictions of grey aliens. They have big black eyes as if they have no iris and their eye is all pupil. What happens to your eyes in the dark; the pupil enlarges to catch all available light. They look not upon the light. Their skin is pale and grey like a dead body buried in the earth. They are alive but there is no life in them.

Angels don’t come from above but from underneath.
( November 25th, 2024 @ 6:28 pm )
I'd be highly skeptical of any government official who now openly says that there are "UFO's, for more than one reason.

NASA and other agencies keep this FearPorn cycle going as they make their living off of keeping people less informed abd in the dark.

I don't subscribe to the "Flat Earth" disinformation campaign but I do believe that governments know that this Earth is bigger than what they've led us to believe.

My great uncle has always said: "There are no "aliens", son. It's our own damn people doing this with technology they've had possession of for either longer than you can think of OR not as long as you think."

The Bible, in older translations, clearly states that God created the "Heavens and the Earth(s)" and even in more recent translations still talks of several dimensions of Earth where the governance of God resides.

It even talks about, in the book of Genesis, the firmaments that are both above us and below us.

Something ain't right here.

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