Conservative Leaning Governments NOW have the Greenlight to Act Responsibly | Eastern North Carolina Now

In a self-governed Representative Republic, elections have supreme and often severe consequences.

In a self-governed Representative Republic, elections have supreme and often severe consequences.

    If one could possess a working historical knowledge regarding the United States of America, they would most probably see that this Constitutional Republic has experienced what one could describe as severe birthing pains, the contortion of our political construct evolving from a pseudo uniparty of moderate Democrats and Republicans governing to keep the moderate middle placated, into two distinctly different political parties. This evolution will continue until it stops on its own accord, and that action, or inaction notwithstanding, will be delivered by an eventual change in the evolution of the political knowledge of our people, and, hopefully, it will be a noble path forward; regardless, when the American people change, their politcal parties change accordingly.

President Trump, February, 2020, before the Wuhan Lab Leak Scare of 2020/2021; the greatest event of this century never to be investigated by the Democratic Socialists, while in charge of managing the response to Covid over four straight years: Above.     photo by Stan Deatherage     Click image to expand.

    With the third election of President Donald Trump to serve out the beginning of his second term, the uniparty bipartisan governing game has crumbled into a true two party system, where the Democrat Party has fully become a reactionary Democratic Socialist Party, bent on the accumulation of power and prestige irrespective of the accumulative damage directed upon our self governed people. The Republican Party similarly is evolving into a populist political party, fully led by President Trump's intention to serve the people for his "America First" policies; their current and forgotten needs are numerous after mostly 16 years of executive and congressional neglect.

    President Trump, in this rightful second term, elected in an election, where he did win "too big for the Democratic Socialists to rig," he is the driving force of the Republican Party that controls a slim majority in the U.S. Senate and an even slimmer margin in the U.S. House of Representatives. Remove all doubt if you are not convinced of this one overwhelming truth, and disabuse yourself of any thoughts to the contrary, Mr. Trump is in control, and right now these 'Republican congressional cats had best learn, by whatever means necessary, a way they can be herded' in doing what is needed to right this Representative Republic.

    So take heed all "Never Trumpers;" read the "writing on wall," notice the "change agent" in the big room of government at all levels, whence we self govern; Tomorrow's way of accomplishing the final resolution will be different than in recent memory; however, one surety will is constant: Common sense governing will prevail.

    What common sense governing means to all may mean many things to many disparate people; however, be aware of the truism to most Republicans and other conservative leaning voters, they know that the success of this presidential election broadly represents: Our sovereign borders are no longer wide open at the behest of the Non Patriot Left; Our economy will no longer be a play pen for Elites, who benefit from the inspirational Socialism of the incalculable "Green New Deal" run-away inflation; and that biological men must be banned completely out of women's sports, as well as women's locker-rooms and toilets.


    In President Trump's first week on the job, he has taken bold and successful steps to force executive action that would begin the process of righting the listing stern of our Representative Republic. Mr. Trump's diligence toward his fulsome perseverance to save our United States of America from those that would destroy US out of an insane ambition to so, and, or those who won't take the time to accumulate the knowledge to know right from wrong, is an anointment of destiny that passes all understanding. Those leaders within the communities of our self-governed people, who can understand this truth are honor bound to be be helpful to every extent possible.

    For those who will purposefully stand in that purposeful way of this patriotic undertaking, you are absolutely standing on the abject knowledge of "standing on the wrong side of history."

Now that President Trump is picking his cabinet and immediate staff to insulate him from the poor judgement of the Bureaucratic Class, while moving quickly to transition this Constitutional Republic unto a wise and sustainable direction: What is your immediate impression as to how our nation will prosper?
  We are headed toward a Golden Age in America's self-governed society.
  This will all wind up in a clustered mess since Trump is a Fascist, and thought to be the second coming of Adolf Hitler by our best journalists.
  This is a time where critical days lay ahead, where only wise and responsible decisions must be made to sustain US.
  I generally do not pay attention, but expect only the best to occur ... and that is what I always expect.
28 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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( January 30th, 2025 @ 3:36 pm )
Borderhawk, and the public: This is where the anchor babies bring in money for the entire family, and it does occur here in Beaufort County.

A couple of meetings ago, I asked the correct question, and BC DSS gave me a truthful answer: It is occurring.
( January 30th, 2025 @ 1:45 pm )
One of the big "pull factors" that causes illegal aliens to invade our country is welfare, freebies, and handouts. We need to crack down on those who provide such things, in and out of government. Then there are those who come for the crime. Any country that has a big influx of illegal aliens also sees a big increase in crime.
( January 30th, 2025 @ 12:06 pm )
RINO Hunter: What is it with the Leftists' protection of violent criminals that are "brown and, or black," especially ones that are in our Republic illegally?
( January 30th, 2025 @ 11:27 am )
Wonder whether it is MS-13 or Tren de Araguq that has clearly hired Bigot Bob as their mouthpiece? He may want to ibe with the gangs and criminals but most of us do not.
Big Bob said:
( January 30th, 2025 @ 8:21 am )
More deflection and racist weakness. You have no answer and you know I'm right. Have a nice day.

Somebody out to check the staff at Maralago. heheheheheh
( January 30th, 2025 @ 5:27 am )
Typical leftwing twit to want to go after employers before murderers, rapists, burglars, drug dealeers and gang members.

Eventually ALL of those who harbor illegal aliens need to be punished for it, but that is NOT the first priority.
( January 30th, 2025 @ 12:01 am )
Big Bob: Another Non Sequitur.
Big Bob said:
( January 29th, 2025 @ 10:40 pm )
Weak responses at best.
The employers walk.

( January 29th, 2025 @ 9:13 pm )
Little Bobbie, the priorities of the arrest of illegal aliens that are being picked up for deportation these days are for gang members and criminals - rapists, murderers, burglars, and such. Their employers are not gang members or murderers, rapists, or burglars. That said, those who harbor illegal aliens by illegally hiring them do need some punishment at some point. The priority, now, however it getting the really bad hombres out of the country so we do not have any more Laken Rileys.

Here is some good info on who these "brown people" being arrested are:
( January 29th, 2025 @ 4:08 pm )
Big Bob: There are laws against hiring Illegals irrespective of everyone's skin color ... at least that is the premise for Conservative Patriots, who do business fairly as prescribed by federal codes.
Big Bob said:
( January 29th, 2025 @ 2:40 pm )
I watch these raids on TV and see the brown people arrested. OK. That's fine. What I don't see is the white employer, who is often standing right there, get arrested too.

Why is that?
( January 29th, 2025 @ 10:35 am )
The greatest expense - unnecessary and otherwise - for every county government has been, and will remain Illegal Aliens.
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Trump's approval rating higher with black's than with whites Golden Age of a Patriotic America, Democratic Socialist Hegemony, The Corrupted, A Historical Perspective, NativeFront, Clarion Call, Editorials, Our Founding Principles, Op-Ed & Politics Columbia's socialist president caves on taking back his country's migrants


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