Profile for Robert Weissberg | Eastern North Carolina Now

Profile for Robert Weissberg

User Avatar Joined: Jan 29, 2013 (10:52pm)
Updated: Jan 30, 2013 (7:34am)
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Robert Weissberg was born in New York City and graduated from Teaneck High School in Teaneck, New Jersey. He received his bachelor’s degree from Bard College and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Since 1969 he has taught political science at Cornell University and the University of Illinois-Urbana and is currently an adjunct professor of politics (at the graduate level) at New York University. He is the author of eleven books, including his most recent, Bad Students, Not Bad Schools. His professional articles have appeared in the major political science journals plus more general publications such as Society, the Weekly Standard and the American Thinker website. For more information, see his website,

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Like many readers I recently encountered the sad tale of how James W. Wagner, President of Emory University, had to apologize for praising the Constitution's three-fifths compromise (treating slaves as three-fifths of a person for purposes of congressional representation).
Like many readers I recently encountered the sad tale of how James W. Wagner, President of Emory University, had to apologize for praising the Constitution's three-fifths compromise (treating slaves as three-fifths of a person for purposes of congressional representation).
That America needs a better-educated workforce has become today's honored wisdom, so what better measurement of progress than rising college graduation rates?
That America needs a better-educated workforce has become today's honored wisdom, so what better measurement of progress than rising college graduation rates?
Students are often exasperated by professors who waste their time with boring, rambling, irrelevant lectures. The problem is that tenured faculty members often just don't care any longer.
Students are often exasperated by professors who waste their time with boring, rambling, irrelevant lectures. The problem is that tenured faculty members often just don't care any longer.


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