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If you want to see one example of why a new populism has emerged in American universities in the last 10 years, take a look at a statement issued last week by the Association of University Professors and the Association of American Colleges and Universities
If you want to see one example of why a new populism has emerged in American universities in the last 10 years, take a look at a statement issued last week by the Association of University Professors and the Association of American Colleges and Universities
Should we allow scholars to be activists? Fabio Rojas (“Scholarship First, Activism Second”) and Jay Schalin (“Scholarship Only, Activism on Your Own Time”) have offered various degrees of attack on activist-scholars
Should we allow scholars to be activists? Fabio Rojas (“Scholarship First, Activism Second”) and Jay Schalin (“Scholarship Only, Activism on Your Own Time”) have offered various degrees of attack on activist-scholars
The movement to reform higher education is finally entering prime time
The movement to reform higher education is finally entering prime time
For a few years in the mid-2000s, David Horowitz was one of the most prominent figures on the campus scene. He didn't have a PhD and he didn't belong to any discipline or department
For a few years in the mid-2000s, David Horowitz was one of the most prominent figures on the campus scene. He didn't have a PhD and he didn't belong to any discipline or department
The primary benefit of the University of North Carolina system's new free-speech policy will be to protect the freedom of professors, students, and other North Carolinians to listen to whatever speakers they wish to hear without having their rights trampled by violent or abusive protestors
The primary benefit of the University of North Carolina system's new free-speech policy will be to protect the freedom of professors, students, and other North Carolinians to listen to whatever speakers they wish to hear without having their rights trampled by violent or abusive protestors
The state of Arkansas is facing an existential threat to academic freedom
If a university ignores potential conflicts of interests between athletics and academics, it imperils itself
If a university ignores potential conflicts of interests between athletics and academics, it imperils itself
Five years ago, higher education was abuzz over distance learning, a "disruptive technology."
American campuses have drifted away from academia and toward administration
College officials have cultivated a nice image for themselves-scholarly people who care deeply about providing the best possible education for their students
College officials have cultivated a nice image for themselves-scholarly people who care deeply about providing the best possible education for their students
The University of North Carolina law school has no business participating in one-sided political advocacy or entering lawsuits representing only left-leaning clients, several members of the UNC Board of Governors say
The University of North Carolina law school has no business participating in one-sided political advocacy or entering lawsuits representing only left-leaning clients, several members of the UNC Board of Governors say
Among the duties of a university's board of trustees, there is perhaps no bigger responsibility than helping to select the leader of the campus-the chancellor/president
Among the duties of a university's board of trustees, there is perhaps no bigger responsibility than helping to select the leader of the campus-the chancellor/president
Election season may not be the best time to go looking for sober reflection or respectful dialogue.
In 2010, a seemingly insignificant event in a far-off land caught my eye.
Accreditation is like the pancreas: not very interesting, but a source of serious problems if it malfunctions
Accreditation is like the pancreas: not very interesting, but a source of serious problems if it malfunctions
The increased use of non-tenure track faculty by universities has drawn condemnation from many entrenched in the seniority system, but critics may be ignoring the more complex realities and distinctive needs of 21st Century higher education.
The increased use of non-tenure track faculty by universities has drawn condemnation from many entrenched in the seniority system, but critics may be ignoring the more complex realities and distinctive needs of 21st Century higher education.
According to the University of North Carolina at Greensboro catalog, the course "ELC 381, The Institution of Education" is "required of students seeking teacher licensure." Unfortunately, the course often goes far beyond what is politically acceptable for an education course at a public university.
According to the University of North Carolina at Greensboro catalog, the course "ELC 381, The Institution of Education" is "required of students seeking teacher licensure." Unfortunately, the course often goes far beyond what is politically acceptable for an education course at a public university.
Lately, tenure has come under heavy criticism, particularly from conservatives who maintain that it protects incompetent, ignorant, or indifferent teachers to the detriment of students
Lately, tenure has come under heavy criticism, particularly from conservatives who maintain that it protects incompetent, ignorant, or indifferent teachers to the detriment of students
Those of us in the higher ed reform community have argued for years that the traditional college model is going to experience gale force winds of change.
Those of us in the higher ed reform community have argued for years that the traditional college model is going to experience gale force winds of change.
One issue that gets North Carolinian blood boiling is the former Center for Work, Poverty, and Opportunity at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's law school. To conservatives it is a symbol of the left's abuse of its dominance of academia, in which a Democratic politician...
One issue that gets North Carolinian blood boiling is the former Center for Work, Poverty, and Opportunity at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's law school. To conservatives it is a symbol of the left's abuse of its dominance of academia, in which a Democratic politician...
Conversations I've had with non-academics about university employment practices usually evoke surprise and skepticism.
Conversations I've had with non-academics about university employment practices usually evoke surprise and skepticism.
An academic institution cannot be all things to all people; it is a particular institution that fills particular needs and has particular limitations. Too expansive a mission can easily be turned toward wasteful means and political ends.
An academic institution cannot be all things to all people; it is a particular institution that fills particular needs and has particular limitations. Too expansive a mission can easily be turned toward wasteful means and political ends.
Great outrage has erupted from inside the University of North Carolina system due to the closure of three academic centers by the system's Board of Governors. The local media has published story after story by UNC academics excoriating the Governors for everything from a denial of free speech to...
Great outrage has erupted from inside the University of North Carolina system due to the closure of three academic centers by the system's Board of Governors. The local media has published story after story by UNC academics excoriating the Governors for everything from a denial of free speech to...
In my 35 years of teaching in the Marquette University philosophy department, there were always some faculty (including the present chair) who were quite public about having "partners."
In my 35 years of teaching in the Marquette University philosophy department, there were always some faculty (including the present chair) who were quite public about having "partners."
When we speak about "academic freedom" what, exactly, do we mean? How far should academic freedom extend? How do we know when someone claiming it has actually abused it?
When we speak about "academic freedom" what, exactly, do we mean? How far should academic freedom extend? How do we know when someone claiming it has actually abused it?
This year has been an eventful one for higher education in general and for North Carolina specifically. As Santa checks his list, the Pope Center has a few suggestions as to who's been naughty and nice this year.
This year has been an eventful one for higher education in general and for North Carolina specifically. As Santa checks his list, the Pope Center has a few suggestions as to who's been naughty and nice this year.
College syllabi are handed out en masse at the beginning of a course for students. Sometimes they're kept and carefully followed; sometimes they're tossed away when the student decides not to take the course after all. Professors often post their syllabi online. They're certainly not treated like cr
College syllabi are handed out en masse at the beginning of a course for students. Sometimes they're kept and carefully followed; sometimes they're tossed away when the student decides not to take the course after all. Professors often post their syllabi online. They're certainly not treated like cr
One of the hottest academic controversies of the year involves the decision by the University of Illinois to "unhire" Professor Steven Salaita.
One of the hottest academic controversies of the year involves the decision by the University of Illinois to "unhire" Professor Steven Salaita.
Tenure—a contractual arrangement that grants job security to veteran faculty members—has been a feature of American higher education since the late 19th century.
Tenure—a contractual arrangement that grants job security to veteran faculty members—has been a feature of American higher education since the late 19th century.
n a recent article for the Pope Center, I looked at the latest academic-athletic scandal at UNC-Chapel Hill in light of athletes’ academic preparation.
n a recent article for the Pope Center, I looked at the latest academic-athletic scandal at UNC-Chapel Hill in light of athletes’ academic preparation.
The labor market for college professors has long been distorted. Tenure is a major factor; another is the presence of a massive labor supply glut, in the form of too many aspiring faculty members for too few full-time jobs. In some ways, the faculty labor market now resembles the market for...
The labor market for college professors has long been distorted. Tenure is a major factor; another is the presence of a massive labor supply glut, in the form of too many aspiring faculty members for too few full-time jobs. In some ways, the faculty labor market now resembles the market for...
If Neil Gross's analysis of the "why are professors liberal?" question is weak (as I argued here), his analysis of the "why do conservatives care?" question is appalling.
If Neil Gross's analysis of the "why are professors liberal?" question is weak (as I argued here), his analysis of the "why do conservatives care?" question is appalling.
It’s official: the federal Departments of Justice and Education have joined together to put an end to free speech on America’s campuses. This is not an exaggeration—those government agencies are trying to grab our most basic freedom under the cover of preventing sexual harassment.
It’s official: the federal Departments of Justice and Education have joined together to put an end to free speech on America’s campuses. This is not an exaggeration—those government agencies are trying to grab our most basic freedom under the cover of preventing sexual harassment.
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