Results found for american thing | Eastern North Carolina Now

11 Results found for american thing

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Having to give the opposing party’s response after the State of the Union always seems like drawing the short stick as a politician. At least that’s the way it seemed for whoever had to respond to President Donald Trump and even President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speeches.
Having to give the opposing party’s response after the State of the Union always seems like drawing the short stick as a politician. At least that’s the way it seemed for whoever had to respond to President Donald Trump and even President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speeches.
Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders responded to President Joe Biden on Tuesday night, drawing a sharp contrast between the Republican Party’s vision for the country and Democrats’ agenda.
Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders responded to President Joe Biden on Tuesday night, drawing a sharp contrast between the Republican Party’s vision for the country and Democrats’ agenda.
Holding historical figures up to modern-day woke values is silly scholarship, Bill Maher declared Friday in his latest ‘Real Time’ lecture to leftists.
Holding historical figures up to modern-day woke values is silly scholarship, Bill Maher declared Friday in his latest ‘Real Time’ lecture to leftists.
Tilman Fertitta, the owner of the Houston Rockets and several other businesses, warned during an interview this week that if Democrats pass a tax on unrealized capital gains that it would destroy capitalism in the United States.
Tilman Fertitta, the owner of the Houston Rockets and several other businesses, warned during an interview this week that if Democrats pass a tax on unrealized capital gains that it would destroy capitalism in the United States.
Remarks by President Biden on Protecting the Sacred, Constitutional Right to Vote
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, April 19, 2021
The NC House: Hospitals are Too Important to Fail, but Taxpayers are Unimportant to Save Them Money
The NC House: Hospitals are Too Important to Fail, but Taxpayers are Unimportant to Save Them Money
The House Health Committee overwhelmingly approved a bill blocking State Treasurer Dale Folwell’s controversial State Health Plan reforms while moving up a deadline to study alternatives.
The House Health Committee overwhelmingly approved a bill blocking State Treasurer Dale Folwell’s controversial State Health Plan reforms while moving up a deadline to study alternatives.
Maybe it is an American thing, the excess of too much success in the wrong hands of those that have not the talent to wield it, to make a difference.
Maybe it is an American thing, the excess of too much success in the wrong hands of those that have not the talent to wield it, to make a difference.
ObamaCare is crippling the economy and killing what has been the greatest health care system in the world. And the drivebys and the politicians are focused on the Confederate flag.
ObamaCare is crippling the economy and killing what has been the greatest health care system in the world. And the drivebys and the politicians are focused on the Confederate flag.
Glenn Beck had a dream. He thought that if Americans can unite in order to restore honor to our nation, it would be the first step in taking our country back.
Glenn Beck had a dream. He thought that if Americans can unite in order to restore honor to our nation, it would be the first step in taking our country back.


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