Results found for law professor | Eastern North Carolina Now

7 Results found for law professor

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A Georgetown University law professor made an outrageous comment on Twitter Sunday night seemingly justifying mobs of pro-abortion activists targeting Supreme Court justices’ homes.
A Georgetown University law professor made an outrageous comment on Twitter Sunday night seemingly justifying mobs of pro-abortion activists targeting Supreme Court justices’ homes.
Nearly two dozen N.C. law professors have signed on to two new friend-of-the-court briefs in a high-profile N.C. Supreme Court case involving voter ID. Both briefs filed Tuesday urge the state Supreme Court to remove two Republican justices from hearing the case.
Nearly two dozen N.C. law professors have signed on to two new friend-of-the-court briefs in a high-profile N.C. Supreme Court case involving voter ID. Both briefs filed Tuesday urge the state Supreme Court to remove two Republican justices from hearing the case.
The same Cornell student groups that sought to get a law professor fired for criticizing the tactics of the Black Lives Matter movement are now seeking to boycott his course.
The same Cornell student groups that sought to get a law professor fired for criticizing the tactics of the Black Lives Matter movement are now seeking to boycott his course.
A three-judge panel has ordered a Stanford law professor to redraw nine N.C. legislative districts by Dec. 1, signaling "serious concerns" about the legislature's effort to correct maps that had been thrown out because of racial gerrymandering
A three-judge panel has ordered a Stanford law professor to redraw nine N.C. legislative districts by Dec. 1, signaling "serious concerns" about the legislature's effort to correct maps that had been thrown out because of racial gerrymandering
Repeal of House Bill 2 closed one chapter in the culture war
An organization founded by ex-Sen. John Edwards was meant to fight poverty, but many clues suggest it instead focuses more on fighting partisan battles- and to avoid scrutiny by North Carolina taxpayers.
An organization founded by ex-Sen. John Edwards was meant to fight poverty, but many clues suggest it instead focuses more on fighting partisan battles- and to avoid scrutiny by North Carolina taxpayers.


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