Results found for marriage penalty | Eastern North Carolina Now

9 Results found for marriage penalty

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The states with the most severe business taxes in the new year are primarily located in the Northeast, while those with environments most welcoming to companies and entrepreneurs are generally in the Great Plains and the South.
The states with the most severe business taxes in the new year are primarily located in the Northeast, while those with environments most welcoming to companies and entrepreneurs are generally in the Great Plains and the South.
"Lower taxes on American business means higher wages for American workers, and it means more products made right here in the USA."
"Lower taxes on American business means higher wages for American workers, and it means more products made right here in the USA."
Most economists agree that our corporate tax rate harms American workers by keeping their wages down.
Most economists agree that our corporate tax rate harms American workers by keeping their wages down.
"If we want to renew our prosperity, restore our opportunity, and reestablish our economic dominance - which is what we should be doing - then we need tax reform that is pro-growth, pro-jobs, pro-worker, pro-family, and, yes, pro-American."
"If we want to renew our prosperity, restore our opportunity, and reestablish our economic dominance - which is what we should be doing - then we need tax reform that is pro-growth, pro-jobs, pro-worker, pro-family, and, yes, pro-American."
Senate leaders are proposing a $1 billion middle class tax reduction plan that would lower personal and corporate income taxes, increase mortgage interest deductions, and allow for unlimited medical and charitable tax deductions
Senate leaders are proposing a $1 billion middle class tax reduction plan that would lower personal and corporate income taxes, increase mortgage interest deductions, and allow for unlimited medical and charitable tax deductions
Former Florida Gov. and Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Wednesday outlined his economic plan, a proposal he said would lift the economy out of the post-recession "new normal" and "lift up everybody."
Former Florida Gov. and Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Wednesday outlined his economic plan, a proposal he said would lift the economy out of the post-recession "new normal" and "lift up everybody."
Senate leader Phil Berger unveiled the latest tax reform plan Tuesday. It's a plan that would reduce the personal income tax, eventually eliminate...
Senate leader Phil Berger unveiled the latest tax reform plan Tuesday. It's a plan that would reduce the personal income tax, eventually eliminate...
The Reps. have managed to allow themselves to be out foxed at every turn when it comes to taxes.
Published: Sunday, May 6th, 2012 @ 11:23 am By: Jim Bispo
The Reps. have managed to allow themselves to be out foxed at every turn when it comes to taxes.


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