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15 Results found for rightwing extremism

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I think of the government as a machine.
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
Yet despite the propensity of liberals and liberal/progressive activists and those identifying with the Democratic Party and those with minds poisoned by hatred against conservatives to obtain guns for the purpose of harming innocent people.
Yet despite the propensity of liberals and liberal/progressive activists and those identifying with the Democratic Party and those with minds poisoned by hatred against conservatives to obtain guns for the purpose of harming innocent people.
On July 19, demonstrators protested outside Maxine Waters' Los Angeles office, burning an American flag and shouting "Black Power" and "America was never great!"........
On July 19, demonstrators protested outside Maxine Waters' Los Angeles office, burning an American flag and shouting "Black Power" and "America was never great!"........
With all the extreme haters in Hollywierd and in the Entertainment Industry, with all their vitriolic talk and tweets, I think it's about time we call them out for what they are.
With all the extreme haters in Hollywierd and in the Entertainment Industry, with all their vitriolic talk and tweets, I think it's about time we call them out for what they are.
The event's featured speaker, however, was none other than Glenn Beck, who delivered a riveting speech outlining exactly what is at stake in the government's concerted scheme to shut down political opposition.
The event's featured speaker, however, was none other than Glenn Beck, who delivered a riveting speech outlining exactly what is at stake in the government's concerted scheme to shut down political opposition.
Last year, I taught classes on the Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, Our Founding Principles, The Federal Court System, The Supreme Court, and Judicial Activism.
Last year, I taught classes on the Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, Our Founding Principles, The Federal Court System, The Supreme Court, and Judicial Activism.
When a curious woman approached Benjamin Franklin as he was leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in September 1787 and asked him what kind of government the delegates had given the people, he replied: "...A Republic, Ma'am, if you can keep it."
When a curious woman approached Benjamin Franklin as he was leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in September 1787 and asked him what kind of government the delegates had given the people, he replied: "...A Republic, Ma'am, if you can keep it."
This is a follow-up of a story we posted Thursday (8-23-12) about a Marine who was detained in Chesterfield County, Virginia for making what authorities contended were threatening comments.
This is a follow-up of a story we posted Thursday (8-23-12) about a Marine who was detained in Chesterfield County, Virginia for making what authorities contended were threatening comments.
Not long ago, a blogger wrote: "Recently, my Biology teacher threw a bible across the classroom! Not that I am a Christian, but that's not how you treat other people's religion.
Not long ago, a blogger wrote: "Recently, my Biology teacher threw a bible across the classroom! Not that I am a Christian, but that's not how you treat other people's religion.
The need for government, plain and simple, is because absolute freedom is impossible.
I was struck by how many people want to learn such topics but just don't know where to go to be educated or how to trust that they will be taught the right stuff. But one question that came up almost every class period and by every group was this: "Do the states have the right to secede?"
I was struck by how many people want to learn such topics but just don't know where to go to be educated or how to trust that they will be taught the right stuff. But one question that came up almost every class period and by every group was this: "Do the states have the right to secede?"
Our President has announced worldwide that the United States is the largest Muslim nation. We are at the verge of building a magnificent mosque at Ground Zero as a symbol of Islam's conquest.
Our President has announced worldwide that the United States is the largest Muslim nation. We are at the verge of building a magnificent mosque at Ground Zero as a symbol of Islam's conquest.


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