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62 Results found for tea partiers

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Bill Moore looks at the potential fallout from the systemic failure in the 2020 election
Bill Moore looks at the potential fallout from the systemic failure in the 2020 election
This article comes from a few remarks I made to introduce my last TEA Party meeting.
his past Saturday I met with a reporter with USA TODAY for an interview regarding the Trump Rally on July 17 in Greenville "and it's aftermath."
his past Saturday I met with a reporter with USA TODAY for an interview regarding the Trump Rally on July 17 in Greenville "and it's aftermath."
It seems fewer and fewer Americans understand and appreciate our very unique system of government. For example, how many times have you heard someone refer to our country as a "democracy" ?
It seems fewer and fewer Americans understand and appreciate our very unique system of government. For example, how many times have you heard someone refer to our country as a "democracy" ?
He may be a flawed individual, but he is the RIGHT kind of individual for government. He is an unashamed, unapologetic, and undetered interposer against federal tyranny.
He may be a flawed individual, but he is the RIGHT kind of individual for government. He is an unashamed, unapologetic, and undetered interposer against federal tyranny.
The Obama administration and its fronts in the Senate accomplished what Richard Nixon wasn't able to accomplish, which was the suppression of an entire movement against him.
The Obama administration and its fronts in the Senate accomplished what Richard Nixon wasn't able to accomplish, which was the suppression of an entire movement against him.
On Saturday, the NCGOPe tossed out the party's first black chairman and replaced him with a, um, "intellectually-challenged" white man who documentary evidence clearly demonstrates was clearly outperformed by said ousted black man.
On Saturday, the NCGOPe tossed out the party's first black chairman and replaced him with a, um, "intellectually-challenged" white man who documentary evidence clearly demonstrates was clearly outperformed by said ousted black man.
On Saturday afternoon, Oct. 17, approximately 10,000 people attended the "We Stand With God" rally on the Halifax Mall behind North Carolina's legislative building.
On Saturday afternoon, Oct. 17, approximately 10,000 people attended the "We Stand With God" rally on the Halifax Mall behind North Carolina's legislative building.
Conservatives just helped oust a speaker who was okay with the Wall Street bailout, debt ceiling increases, and amnesty for illegals.
Conservatives just helped oust a speaker who was okay with the Wall Street bailout, debt ceiling increases, and amnesty for illegals.
THAT is the spin being circulated by the establishment in the wake of John Boehner's resignation from Congress.
THAT is the spin being circulated by the establishment in the wake of John Boehner's resignation from Congress.
We're not big fans of The Politico around here. In fact, we affectionately refer to it in-house as The PoS-tico.
We're not big fans of The Politico around here. In fact, we affectionately refer to it in-house as The PoS-tico.
Boehner and his team - and, surprisingly, a number of Meadows's fellow conservatives - are publicly poo-poing Meadows and his resolution.
Boehner and his team - and, surprisingly, a number of Meadows's fellow conservatives - are publicly poo-poing Meadows and his resolution.
If you're like me, you're probably a bit disheartened by our Lt. Governor. Dan Forest talked a good game on the 2012 campaign trail.
If you're like me, you're probably a bit disheartened by our Lt. Governor. Dan Forest talked a good game on the 2012 campaign trail.
Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and William “The Round Rev” Barber have all made a name for themselves by getting in the media and claiming that (1) whitey is keeping the brothers and sisters down, and (2) they, themselves, ARE down with “the struggle.”
Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and William “The Round Rev” Barber have all made a name for themselves by getting in the media and claiming that (1) whitey is keeping the brothers and sisters down, and (2) they, themselves, ARE down with “the struggle.”
Sources are telling us that emissaries from the DC Republican establishment had a sit-down with NC Tea Party activists in The Queen City Tuesday evening.
Sources are telling us that emissaries from the DC Republican establishment had a sit-down with NC Tea Party activists in The Queen City Tuesday evening.
Former GOP legislator John Rhodes — now a conservative independent is taking the fight directly to major party candidates Kay Hagan and Thom Tillis.
Former GOP legislator John Rhodes — now a conservative independent is taking the fight directly to major party candidates Kay Hagan and Thom Tillis.
At last week's government relations committee meeting for the Wake County School Board, school board member Jim Martin called current legislative efforts to correct Common Core problems "very much a political overreach." According to news reports, Martin then fired this shot...
At last week's government relations committee meeting for the Wake County School Board, school board member Jim Martin called current legislative efforts to correct Common Core problems "very much a political overreach." According to news reports, Martin then fired this shot...
The seismometers were going wild around Richmond, Virginia tonight. A political earthquake appears to have catapulted the House Majority Leader into those very crowded unemployment lines.
The seismometers were going wild around Richmond, Virginia tonight. A political earthquake appears to have catapulted the House Majority Leader into those very crowded unemployment lines.
Since no candidates landed knockout punches or committed breathtaking gaffes in the Republican primary debates for U.S. Senate, election analysts say the only unanswered question is whether front-runner Thom Tillis, the state House Speaker from Mecklenburg County, is forced into a runoff.
Since no candidates landed knockout punches or committed breathtaking gaffes in the Republican primary debates for U.S. Senate, election analysts say the only unanswered question is whether front-runner Thom Tillis, the state House Speaker from Mecklenburg County, is forced into a runoff.
I had the opportunity for an audience with Charlotte pastor — and US Senate candidate — Mark Harris on Saturday. (I do have to commend him for not running away in terror after I introduced myself. For some reason, I scare some political candidates.)
I had the opportunity for an audience with Charlotte pastor — and US Senate candidate — Mark Harris on Saturday. (I do have to commend him for not running away in terror after I introduced myself. For some reason, I scare some political candidates.)
Year after year, challengers from both parties have come after incumbent Walter Jones with both barrels blazing. And year after year, Jones keeps going back for a new term in Congress.
Year after year, challengers from both parties have come after incumbent Walter Jones with both barrels blazing. And year after year, Jones keeps going back for a new term in Congress.
Establishment folks are browbeating those of us in the grassroots to toe the party line. Send Kay Hagan home. That's what's important. Even if you have to hold your nose to do it.
Establishment folks are browbeating those of us in the grassroots to toe the party line. Send Kay Hagan home. That's what's important. Even if you have to hold your nose to do it.
Tea Partiers and other grassroots limited government types have been disappointed time and again by the Republican leaders on Capitol Hill they elected and elevated in 2010 and 2012.
Tea Partiers and other grassroots limited government types have been disappointed time and again by the Republican leaders on Capitol Hill they elected and elevated in 2010 and 2012.
We've got 535 voting members of Congress. Yet. this "bi-partisan", "disaster-averting" budget deal announced yesterday got hammered out in private talks between Senate Budget Committee chairman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan.
We've got 535 voting members of Congress. Yet. this "bi-partisan", "disaster-averting" budget deal announced yesterday got hammered out in private talks between Senate Budget Committee chairman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan.
During the current drama over the "government shutdown," we are peppered with a lot of moaning and groaning about GRIDLOCK. Lefties and their lapdogs in the remnants of the legacy media pine for the days when their agenda - "gems" like The New Deal and The Great Society - simply got ramrodded t
During the current drama over the "government shutdown," we are peppered with a lot of moaning and groaning about GRIDLOCK. Lefties and their lapdogs in the remnants of the legacy media pine for the days when their agenda - "gems" like The New Deal and The Great Society - simply got ramrodded t
Those of you who live outside The Fayetteville Observer's circulation area, you probably haven't become acquainted with Myron Pitts. For those of you in the Triangle - think of Myron as a poor man's version of Barry Saunders.
Those of you who live outside The Fayetteville Observer's circulation area, you probably haven't become acquainted with Myron Pitts. For those of you in the Triangle - think of Myron as a poor man's version of Barry Saunders.
The GOP-dominated House passed a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the cash flowing to the federal government while, reportedly, defunding ObamaCare. And Republicans were ready to crow.
The GOP-dominated House passed a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the cash flowing to the federal government while, reportedly, defunding ObamaCare. And Republicans were ready to crow.
Word is out on the street that Charlotte area pastor - and Southern Baptist Convention player - Mark Harris will formally announce his campaign for US Senate on October 2.
Word is out on the street that Charlotte area pastor - and Southern Baptist Convention player - Mark Harris will formally announce his campaign for US Senate on October 2.
I am sure 9th district congressman Bob Pittenger's PR people are resorting to heavy drinking by now.
I am sure 9th district congressman Bob Pittenger's PR people are resorting to heavy drinking by now.
Republican Congressman Robert Pittenger, home for the summer recess, has been holding Town Hall Meetings in his district. In a recent one, a Tea Partier rose to ask Pittenger what he described as an easy question, requesting a simple yes or no answer.
Republican Congressman Robert Pittenger, home for the summer recess, has been holding Town Hall Meetings in his district. In a recent one, a Tea Partier rose to ask Pittenger what he described as an easy question, requesting a simple yes or no answer.
Tea Partiers in The Carolinas have an opportunity to make a forceful statement in the 2014 GOP primaries for US Senate.
Tea Partiers in The Carolinas have an opportunity to make a forceful statement in the 2014 GOP primaries for US Senate.
Barry's joined the TEA Party. For several years now, the TEA partiers have been saying that government is dysfunctional and that Washington's the problem, not the solution.
Barry's joined the TEA Party. For several years now, the TEA partiers have been saying that government is dysfunctional and that Washington's the problem, not the solution.
In late June, the Draft Mark Harris committee was touting the hiring of Tracy Bengtson - a Mecklenburg County grassroots activist who was a key player in the election of Lt. Gov. Dan Forest - as political director.
In late June, the Draft Mark Harris committee was touting the hiring of Tracy Bengtson - a Mecklenburg County grassroots activist who was a key player in the election of Lt. Gov. Dan Forest - as political director.
It's been the conventional wisdom that State House Speaker Thom Tillis was national Republicans' odds-on favorite to take on incumbent Democrat US Senator Kay Hagan in November 2014.
It's been the conventional wisdom that State House Speaker Thom Tillis was national Republicans' odds-on favorite to take on incumbent Democrat US Senator Kay Hagan in November 2014.
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