Results found for 1st amendment | Eastern North Carolina Now

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19 Results found for 1st amendment

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On Monday, May 6, 2024, at the Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting, Commissioner Stan Deatherage sponsored the Constitutional right of a Beaufort County citizen "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
On Monday, May 6, 2024, at the Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting, Commissioner Stan Deatherage sponsored the Constitutional right of a Beaufort County citizen "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
In regard to your recent "Sound Off" section of the WDN, May 20th issue, an "anonymous caller," whose sole objective was to denigrate a duly elected county commissioner, I wondered what the purpose really was here.
In regard to your recent "Sound Off" section of the WDN, May 20th issue, an "anonymous caller," whose sole objective was to denigrate a duly elected county commissioner, I wondered what the purpose really was here.
Exceptions to free speech in the United States refers to categories of speech that are not protected by the First Amendment. According to the Supreme Court of the United States, the U.S.
Exceptions to free speech in the United States refers to categories of speech that are not protected by the First Amendment. According to the Supreme Court of the United States, the U.S.
In short, it is beyond essential; it is the core of the trust component that comprises the fabric of a free people.
In short, it is beyond essential; it is the core of the trust component that comprises the fabric of a free people.
In 1908, North Carolina voters passed statewide prohibition in 1908, making North Carolina the first Southern state to institute prohibition. The 18th Amendment didn't usher in Prohibition nationwide until 1919.
In 1908, North Carolina voters passed statewide prohibition in 1908, making North Carolina the first Southern state to institute prohibition. The 18th Amendment didn't usher in Prohibition nationwide until 1919.
The Fake News has lost it, but is, nonetheless, unbowed, and more than ready to defend their unprincipled behavior.
The Fake News has lost it, but is, nonetheless, unbowed, and more than ready to defend their unprincipled behavior.
The problem here in America is that the citizenry deserves the 1st Amendment right to a "free press", but not a fair press, and while that is constitutionally true, the "free press" still is responsible for some semblance of principled behavior, or those of an unprinciple nature lose respect.
The problem here in America is that the citizenry deserves the 1st Amendment right to a "free press", but not a fair press, and while that is constitutionally true, the "free press" still is responsible for some semblance of principled behavior, or those of an unprinciple nature lose respect.
Donald Trump should appeal to all those who identify as independent and who wish to break from the strict, disinterested, controlling 2-party system. All those who are fed up being controlled and railroaded by the self-interested 2-Party system should exercise their First Amendment right of protest
Donald Trump should appeal to all those who identify as independent and who wish to break from the strict, disinterested, controlling 2-party system. All those who are fed up being controlled and railroaded by the self-interested 2-Party system should exercise their First Amendment right of protest
Since the days of Nebbia and West Coast Hotel, challenges to economic regulation have almost universally failed. Particularly in the realm of alcohol, where the State historically plays a role in regulating the distribution and consumption of an intoxicating product, it would be difficult to...
Since the days of Nebbia and West Coast Hotel, challenges to economic regulation have almost universally failed. Particularly in the realm of alcohol, where the State historically plays a role in regulating the distribution and consumption of an intoxicating product, it would be difficult to...
The Johnson Amendment was adopted to silence Churches in the political arena and the time has come when pastors need to stand up to the intimidation.
The Johnson Amendment was adopted to silence Churches in the political arena and the time has come when pastors need to stand up to the intimidation.
The event's featured speaker, however, was none other than Glenn Beck, who delivered a riveting speech outlining exactly what is at stake in the government's concerted scheme to shut down political opposition.
The event's featured speaker, however, was none other than Glenn Beck, who delivered a riveting speech outlining exactly what is at stake in the government's concerted scheme to shut down political opposition.
First Amendment protections against laws that abridge the "freedom of speech" were twisted into "freedom of expression" to justify protection for flag-burners and government subsidies for masterpieces like "Piss Christ" (a crucifix in a jar of urine).
First Amendment protections against laws that abridge the "freedom of speech" were twisted into "freedom of expression" to justify protection for flag-burners and government subsidies for masterpieces like "Piss Christ" (a crucifix in a jar of urine).
Isn't it curious that the media (with the exception of ABC and FoxNews) refuses to cover a hate crime shooting of a victim at a conservative pro-life organization in Washington, DC if the perpetrator is a leftwing zealot?
Isn't it curious that the media (with the exception of ABC and FoxNews) refuses to cover a hate crime shooting of a victim at a conservative pro-life organization in Washington, DC if the perpetrator is a leftwing zealot?
If you turn on the TV news, you will likely hear about the anarchists who are planning to disrupt both the Rep and Dem conventions. Lovely people, all.
If you turn on the TV news, you will likely hear about the anarchists who are planning to disrupt both the Rep and Dem conventions. Lovely people, all.
Generally this series is for the public to speak, and have their concerns relayed to our growing readership. On this occassion, the publisher is having words with his public.
Generally this series is for the public to speak, and have their concerns relayed to our growing readership. On this occassion, the publisher is having words with his public.


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