Lynn Deatherage's Letter to the WDN; Not Published as of July 18th, 2023 | Eastern North Carolina Now

In regard to your recent "Sound Off" section of the WDN, May 20th issue, an "anonymous caller," whose sole objective was to denigrate a duly elected county commissioner, I wondered what the purpose really was here.

Publisher's Note: This "Letter to the Editor" to the Washington Daily News was written by Lynn Deatherage, my wife, early on May 22nd, 2023, and promptly sent by email to the proper address, as advertised, that same morning. That email was not returned as the address sent to must have been correct. So far, it has been 6 days, here in the age of quickened information, and Lynn's correspondence with the WDN editor, seeking just public redress, has not been published, and subsequent corrective action has not been taken.

    That being the case of such poor purpose by the Washington Daily News, Eastern North Carolina NOW will NOW publish this intended public correspondence as our Journalistic ideals command us to remain abjectly serious about: Freedom of Speech; the consequences of a Free Press; the intended honesty in all journalistic endeavors; and the guaranteed right of informing the People in a manner where only the truth is paramount.

    With this First Amendment to Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech, however, comes certain responsibilities; responsibilities that we hold dear at Eastern NC NOW as a major player in the "Public Square."

Lynn Deatherage's Letter to the WDN; Not Published as of May 28th, 2023

    In regard to your recent "Sound Off" section in the Washington Daily News, May 20th issue, an "anonymous caller," whose sole objective was to denigrate a duly elected county commissioner, I wondered what the purpose really was here.

    It takes zero effort, and no accountability for a so-called "anonymous" entity to make a false accusation, and far longer for honorable people to refute these lies. I am curious, how does this make you feel as the publisher?

    In no way does this adhere to the standards listed in your mission statement. Firstly, this isn't "news" and secondly, as mentioned, it is not true. Is not publishing the truth the most important factor in publishing the "news?"

    Please feel free, at some point, to do your due diligence as is your journalistic duty to discover the truth, and move forward with integrity. Does not your readership deserve that? In an atmosphere of growing divisions amongst people, how does your "Sound Off" section really help? If anyone should feel humiliated, it should be you for your publication. I welcome and expect your public apology as soon as possible.


       Lynn Deatherage, 252.944.3952
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( July 19th, 2023 @ 10:34 am )
You know Janet, I thrive on confronting dishonest reporting, and providing a platform to the contrary.
( July 19th, 2023 @ 10:19 am )
If you have not, please publicly respond to Lynn Deatherage. I will be looking for your response.

Thank you
Big Bob said:
( June 5th, 2023 @ 1:43 pm )
Sometimes I comment. People do that.
( June 5th, 2023 @ 12:46 pm )
If you do not know the issue, then why are you giving commentary?

In all my years, I have never done that.
Big Bob said:
( June 5th, 2023 @ 12:26 pm )
Clearly a bee in your bonnet. I missed the the post and really have know idea what you're going on about.
( June 5th, 2023 @ 10:03 am )
This is the Democratic Socialism attack-the-Conservative-because-that-is-the-sum-of-me coming out in you, and it reveals how utterly pathetic, how innately corrupt you, and your Babbling Band of Fools are.

Big Bob: Attack my policies, attack me as a politician, try to find a scintilla of corruption within me; but DO NOT attack my personal business, especially if one has to LIE to do so; for that is premeditated and intended slander to the point of defamation, and I WILL find and exact my pound of flesh at the time of my choosing. I will NOT tolerate this behavior from anyone going forward at anytime, from anywhere.

We DO NOT allow that sleazy behavior on this platform, and I will not tolerate it. If you LIE to damage someone's personal business, you are gone and you are gone for good, and we will explain why you are gone on this platform, and display that summation properly, and in a most easily searchable category ... and for all perpetuity.
Big Bob said:
( June 5th, 2023 @ 8:57 am )
As an elected official you are subject, rightly so, too critisism a regular citizen is not. Part of the job
( June 4th, 2023 @ 10:02 pm )
It has been two weeks now, and the Washington Daily News has proved to not have the gumption, the good journalistic will, or the integrity to publish this plaintiff retort, or even reply ... And now, it is my turn, and it will be a long drawn out turn; like a battleship changing course, and picking up steam to do battle.

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