Results found for mute | Eastern North Carolina Now

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7 Results found for mute

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Those no longer facing the death penalty include a cop-killer and a man who kidnapped and murdered a 12-year-old girl.
Those no longer facing the death penalty include a cop-killer and a man who kidnapped and murdered a 12-year-old girl.
RALEIGH: Governor Cooper today commuted the sentence of one person in a North Carolina prison and granted pardons of forgiveness to four others.
RALEIGH: Governor Cooper today commuted the sentence of one person in a North Carolina prison and granted pardons of forgiveness to four others.
Local dad Kevin Sampson steeled his nerves as adrenaline coursed through his veins, every muscle fiber waiting to fire. Remote control at the ready, he dared any actor to even think about saying a naughty word, ready to mute the bad guy right out of existence.
Local dad Kevin Sampson steeled his nerves as adrenaline coursed through his veins, every muscle fiber waiting to fire. Remote control at the ready, he dared any actor to even think about saying a naughty word, ready to mute the bad guy right out of existence.
RALEIGH: Governor Cooper today commuted the sentences of six people in North Carolina prisons and granted pardons of forgiveness to four others.
RALEIGH: Governor Cooper today commuted the sentences of six people in North Carolina prisons and granted pardons of forgiveness to four others.
Rain continues to fall and there is "water, water everywhere". The streets are flooded on the corner by Jennys' house, so much that folks now resort to driving down the quiet lane, where the lilies grow.
Rain continues to fall and there is "water, water everywhere". The streets are flooded on the corner by Jennys' house, so much that folks now resort to driving down the quiet lane, where the lilies grow.
When my daily email from A Word a Day (AWAD) came across the wire one morning, the word for that day was mot juste. Such a fancy word with a delightful pronunciation, mo ZHOOST.
When my daily email from A Word a Day (AWAD) came across the wire one morning, the word for that day was mot juste. Such a fancy word with a delightful pronunciation, mo ZHOOST.
A few days a week, I ride a Triangle Transit 301 bus to and from the palatial Civitas HQ in the Warehouse District of Raleigh. But even as a transit rider, my blood runs cold when I hear government planners are plotting ways to bring throw taxpayers' money at light-rail systems and commuter rail...
A few days a week, I ride a Triangle Transit 301 bus to and from the palatial Civitas HQ in the Warehouse District of Raleigh. But even as a transit rider, my blood runs cold when I hear government planners are plotting ways to bring throw taxpayers' money at light-rail systems and commuter rail...


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