"Every Picture Tells a Story ... Don't It:" On the Road in Myrtle Beach: Chapter II - Summer, 2011 | Eastern North Carolina Now

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is the subject of this pictorial of what is what I consider the best of summer - the Atlantic seashore.

    Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is the subject of this pictorial of what is what I consider the best of summer - the Atlantic seashore. The water is warm, and the fun is real, unforced, and perfect for all ages, whether they be children, middle-aged men, such as myself, or the elderly, who enjoy its pervasive tranquility.

    This treatise, in pictures, is my attempt to convey that sense of perfect moments strung together that ultimately transform our understanding of who we are, and what we love.

    "Every Picture Tells a Story ... Don't It:" On the Road in Myrtle Beach: Chapter I - Summer, 2011 is in the proverbial book. Here below is an extention, a second installment, of those pleasurable moments in Myrtle Beach.
Just as we began the previous chapter of my visual impression of south Myrtle Beach, we begin this pictorial with this sunrise on the morn of September 8, 2011: Above and below.     photos by Stan Seatherage

This sunrise, like all sunrises, is dependent upon the morning clouds for it to be spectacular. This morning was no different; however, I was a bit late making my way out to the beach, and the initial proverbial fireworks in the sky were in a measured decline. Still it was beautiful, and I was not the only spectator to notice: Above and below.     photos by Stan Deatherage

Morning and the American flag - two beautiful, and well appreciated sights: Above. When it comes time for my daily constitutional, I almost always head south through the pilings of, and underneath, the Springmaid Pier toward the Myrtle Beach State Park. I love the lack of people some times: Below.     photos by Stan Deatherage

While were enjoying our visit in Myrtle Beach this September, the hurricane, Katia, was just off the coast of South Carolina. And while we got no rain, and just a bit of a steady breeze, the clouds for that week were spectacular, and the waves rough, which is about as good as it gets for body-surfing.     photos by Stan Deatherage

Click here to enlarge to a map of northeast South Carolina: Above.

Solitude personified, and exemplified in this image in front of the massive sea foliage that protects Myrtle Beach State Park: Above. I just like this picture that is actually just the iron gate, and the signage attached to the railing, of the Springmaid Pier: Below.     photos by Stan Deatherage

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