Torture ~~~Do We Care???? | Eastern North Carolina Now

Years ago I read an article in Reader's Digest concerning a man arrested in NYC as he took pictures after 9/11 of a government building.

    Humor is the way we deal with embarrassment. It is so painful we don't really want to cry, but IT IS REAL!

    Years ago I read an article in Reader's Digest concerning a man arrested in NYC as he took pictures after 9/11 of a government building. The Detective who participated in the arrest and investigation took a personal interest in him. He wore a turban and was whisked off to jail. From there he was taken to a detention facility, I think, at Guantanamo. His family was not notified. He was denied any due process. He would have languished there, had the Detective not followed up and made some waves over his treatment.

    He was nothing more than an innocent Tourist arrested by Homeland Security brutality!

    NYC is a long way from Beaufort County. That was long ago and far away for many. The report from yesterday was not what any of us want to hear about America and our brutality to prisoners. Even John McCain voiced the Republican Party response. I was totally surprised that the man who usually pops up on Fox News in rebuttal of "anything Obama" showed his pain and angst. For the first time in many years he shows some understanding of how it feels to be imprisoned and tortured. Even he admits it was wrong and a violation of human rights in America!

    What will come of it?

    NO PROSECUTION of those responsible is today's report. Who are "those responsible?"

    •  President George Bush

    •  V.P. Dick Cheney

    •  The CIA and Homeland Security leadership at the time

    I don't know about you, but I see the same brutality as happened in Germany with Jews, Gypsies, and any other outcasts they wanted to cleanse from their "perfect society." The rants of Hitler and his henchmen remind me of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others who now are piled on the Blaze Network of Conservative Commentators. Goebbels was the Minister of Propaganda and he went before the Judges of Nuremberg after the War. One after another, Mengele and any Nazis who had not committed suicide were punished. Others quietly slipped away to Argentina and hid. There is still a camp in the hillside there where Nazis live in a compound and do experiments on children. The Koch family was one which quietly slipped to America and engaged in big oil and other enterprises today.

    The Jewish Holocaust Investigators are still chasing them down. Every few years we hear of another Nazi brought to justice over their brutal treatment of prisoners. Time and memory fade for us Americans. For the Jews who experienced it, it will never go away until the last person responsible is brought to justice! Their children are my age and still want Justice.

    Some years ago I was in Fort Meyers, FLA, doing clean-up from hurricane Charlie. I picked up their paper and in the obituary area was a 11/2 page large article on a Nazi Officer who had died. I was amazed at the big article and began to wonder why. It suddenly occurred to me that there were 2 reasons for it:

    1. Many of the residents around there are German and Jewish.

    2. Anyone reading it had 2 reactions

    (1) The man is now before the Judgment Throne of God / (2) Any German knows it is not forgotten even though it happened a century ago.

    Human memories fade with time. The Judgment of God is assured by the Bible. God knows our hearts and is not fooled by political ads or pretense of "being nice and right" in our minds.

    George Bush was asked toward the end of his Presidency if he had any regrets or wished he had done anything different. In his usual dense response he fumbled and bumbled and finally said, "I can't think of any. I wish you had given me the question ahead of time." Is he REALLY that dense and ignorant? OR---does he not want to admit what went on under his power over the CIA and Military we sent to get Sadam Hussein. By now, we know there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction. It was a "Mass Distraction," and the ben Laden family was deeply entrenched with the Bush family over oil.

    Truth always rises in a free country with a free press.

    V.P. Dick Cheney is another matter of Coercion without Conscience, in my view. We now know in the light of disclosure that he and Rumsfield were key players in presidential politics from the early days with Nixon and Reagan. They were old college and business buddies who got the reward of friendship and conspiracy. More often the co-conspirators are far more well-informed and active than any front guy. All Presidents are simply the PR part of an Administration.

    Reagan was a nice seeming old man who was winsome. He sold 20 Mule team Borax and GE for many years before any political activity. He did not conceive the "Trickle Down Economic Theory." He just sold it to Congress and the American taxpayer with a promise that it would make things move in a more Capitalist way --- and --- fast without all the regulations and oversight of a too big federal government. He said, "It will be good for America and its citizens!" We believed him and now we see 1% of citizens owning 80% of money in this economy.

    Time is the test of any theory of economics. To quote Sarah Palin, "How's that working for ya'????" She may be a soccer mom, but we all should begin to have a clue over what is working and what is not.

    How's the torture thing working for ya'?

    Are we, as a nation, as good as we pretend to be

    or have we descended into the hell of torture in the hidden corners of Vengeance? Nobody wants to admit to being a member of the Nazi party and regime. It was a terrible chapter in human history. We went to war to stop inhumanity in Europe. We went to war with Japan over their human rights abuses and abject destruction of all humans they conquered. Few are still alive who were in the death march from Corregidor to their brutal detention of a Japanese POW camp. The residents of Nazi Concentration Camps are dying off fast, but their children watch and wait for justice.

    Old O.J. Simpson got off when 2 people he knew ended up in a bloodbath of knife and slash. But is he happy and is he really innocent?

    The question is important and we can laugh and ignore all we want but

    IT HAPPENED IN AMERICA AFTER 9/11. People WERE TORTURED. Some are dead and gone.

    For me it's NOT A LAUGHING MATTER. I am a believer who expects God to take care of things we can't. I am also a person who believes criminals should be brought to justice in this lifetime.

    •  Who are they?

    •  What should we really do to make us right in the eyes of a watching world we want to immolate us?

    •  Should anyone be prosecuted for War Crimes?
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( December 13th, 2014 @ 5:08 pm )
A sheltered mind, Stan, only wants to maintain his sheltered view for fear someone on his team rats on those who lie, cheat, and steal.

John Dean was at the core of Watergate and did prison time for such. Afterward, he made a vow to tell it like it is during the first George Bush Administration.

Sadly, I am not impressed by one who refuses to give a read to anything which might bust his bubble of conservatism.
( December 13th, 2014 @ 11:29 am )
John Dean snitched to save his own ass when a Liberal press bore down on the Nixon Administration.

Colin Powell made a mess of Iraq, when Bush erroneously allowed Powell's State Department to keep peace in Iraq.

I really don't care about anything that John Dean or Colin Powell have to say about anything at this point.

Colin Powell was fortunate enough to have Norman Schwarzkopf running the first Gulf War, and Amateur Obama is fortunate to have a stupefied liberal press to cover his ass with all of his multitude of scandals.

Colin Powell, John Dean and the 'transformational' Barack Hussein Obama all deserve each other, and I deserve to not consider the first two, but I weigh into Mr. 'Transformational' for some time to come.
( December 12th, 2014 @ 10:13 pm )
Stan, old buddy ~~~ when you have the courage to read "Worse Than Watergate" by John Dean, we have a basis for discussion. Until then, you have no clue about the undercurrent of the Cheney Administration along with Rumsfield and a few others.

Call up Colin Powell and see what he says on getting used by Bush and buddies to LIE to the United Nations on why we needed to go to war in Iraq.
( December 12th, 2014 @ 8:00 pm )
George wasn't brilliant, but he was honest, far beyond, and far smarter than the punk currently occupying the office.
( December 11th, 2014 @ 12:33 pm )
Stan --- Fox is beginning to invade your thought process, man. Anyone saying, "What you listen to does not affect your thinking" is fulla bulla!!!

Anyway, this is a breaking event far from over. At 1:30 the CIA head has his turn and we shall see.

One thing which is concerning me is the hesitance to pursue this matter 6 years ago when Administrations changed and Congress was stronger in votes of the Democrats. The allegation that "any President does not want to be brought to justice over decisions made under his watch" makes the most sense to me.

Had that applied to Reagan, he could face charges for lying to the US when trading arms for hostages. When it's over it's over and we still have to account to the public for what we did or didn't do and the morality attached.

We all make mistakes and misjudgments. We are agreed about the lack of depth for George Bush as a "thinking President."

There are still 2 main questions for me:
(1) Have we replicated the conservatism of Nazi Germany in America and slowly gone down a slippery slope to Torture and Abuse?
(2) If we have done such and put the Nazi leaders before a mighty court trial at Nuremberg, should the same be done here and let the proof of guilt or innocence come to light with judges passing some final sentence or exhonorating them.

I was never happy with Gerald Ford giving a pardon to Nixon WITHOUT any admission of his acts in the light of public view. In his way, that hid the awful deeds of the Nixon Administration trying to get even and punish any opposition. It was the Republican way of damage reduction claiming "more will not help our society."

It put the matter to rest. It DID NOT seek justice in a society which claims high moral ground of "freedom and justice for all."

( December 11th, 2014 @ 10:14 am )
FOX News: I have been watching their White House correspondent Ed Henry, and finally, yesterday, I thinks I finally noticed a look of complete incredulity in his demeanor over 'moral equivalency' argument being made by The Amateur's new man.

I was wondering how long it would take before he could not contain himself any longer.
( December 11th, 2014 @ 10:02 am )
That is why I watch FOX News for the events of the day, and CNBC for business news.

I dig the higher intellect of their team, their honesty, their principals to journalism, which is a dying craft.

If muddle headed Liberals are going to have a conniption fit over practices that they begged for to keep them safe, its time to talk about: drone strikes, not capturing the enemy by not engaging the enemy while at war, and then not having anywhere to put them if you did capture them (closing Gitmo).

FOX News proves that not all journalists' are idle-brained, unprincipled sycophants to a punk president.
( December 11th, 2014 @ 8:51 am )
I am listening side-by-side to CNN and Fox follow up on the Torture Disclosure. It is early in the day yet, but the Fox-take is trying to compare drone strikes to torture as if the drones have no conscience and prisoners being water-boarded could give up their information and live.

As the day goes by, why don't we all listen to the in depth news sources and see what they do with this awful disclosure.
( December 11th, 2014 @ 8:39 am )
In many ways I am not surprised by your comment, Stan ~~~ it is a deferral to your current CHS (Conservative Hate Syndrome).

Why is it that Reagan got a pass over Iran-Contra dealings as if he knew NOTHING. Someone then said, "Either he was more than stupid and remote or he has memory problems."

Why do conservatives do this stuff and then want to act as if it had no responsibility for it. Even John McCain said words of responsibility and contrition and has been strangely quiet otherwise to the national media.

Let's get serious ~~~ what should we do to right this clear wrong and violation of our stated morality of not torturing prisoners of war. I think you can do far better. I know you have a real conscience over right and wrong, buddy.
( December 10th, 2014 @ 8:12 pm )
I agree about one thing: George W. Bush was certainly no outstanding president. For the most part, he had members in the executive branch that just were not up to the task and needed to be fired; however, all but Chris Cox (SEC) were infinitely better that The Amateur's people, all of them.

Bush / Cheney deserve my thanks for keeping my family safe, when America was on its heels after 8 years of the Clintons, who delpleted our military and CIA, when these 'Evil Doers' were at our door.

Now we have the punk presidency of The Amateur, and we are not safe here at home or abroad. He has lost one war, and is preparing to lose a second.

You Liberals really are funny.

Ever since the Iraq War fiasco in congress, where Liberals were scurrying for the dark corners, like so many roaches, I lost total respect for liberal Democrats and a few Republicans when it comes to governing, when lives or money are critically on the line.

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