Media Advisory: State Board of Elections begins public comment hearings on voter ID rules | Eastern North Carolina Now

The State Board of Elections on Wednesday will host the first of nine public hearings on proposed rules for the implementation of voter ID requirements that takes effect in 2016.

For Immediate Release:

    RALEIGH, N.C.     The State Board of Elections on Wednesday will host the first of nine public hearings on proposed rules for the implementation of voter ID requirements that takes effect in 2016. The public hearings are listening opportunities for the agency to receive comment on the proposed rules.

    Hearings will be held from 5:00 pm. to 7:00 pm. at the following locations:

June 3
State Board of Elections Office, 441 North Harrington Avenue, Raleigh

June 4
Dare County Administration Building, 954 Marshall C. Collins Drive, Rm 168, Manteo

June 5
Hanover County Human Resources Department, Conference Room 401 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 135, Wilmington

June 8
Hal Marshall Auditorium 700 North Tryon St., Charlotte

June 9
Forsyth County Government Center, Multi-Purpose Room 201 Chestnut Street, Winston-Salem

June 10
Watauga County Administration Building, Board of Commissioners Meeting Room 814 West King Street, Boone

June 11
Jackson County Board of Elections Office, Conference Room 876 Skyland Drive, Suite 1, Sylva

June 12
Cumberland County Board of Elections, Training Room 227 Fountainhead Lane, Suite 101, Fayetteville

June 15
Edgecombe County Administrative Building, Auditorium 201 St. Andrew St., Tarboro

    All hearings are open to the public. Those interested in providing comments are invited to attend hearings or to submit written comments to the State Board of Elections via email ( or mail (PO Box 27255, Raleigh, NC 27611-7255, to the attention of Rule-making Coordinator).

    The public comment period closes June 30. For more information on photo ID required to vote at the polls in 2016, visit

    The State Board's voter outreach team is available to make informational presentations and to assist voters in obtaining a free ID from the DMV. They can be reached at (866) 522-4723 or

    Contact: Josh Lawson

     (919) 715-9194  •
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