Alternative Ballistics – When a warning shot may help | Eastern North Carolina Now

Alternative Ballistics – In many of the situations between police and suspects there is a time frame that allows the officer to access the situation and determine the level of force required to subdue the suspect.


   Just to prove I am not a "shoot em all and let God sort it out" type of neanderthal, I found this a very interesting alternative to  shoot first ask questions later.  I would be interested out see what a police on the street think, since it is there life at stake as well. BT   

   In many of the situations between police and suspects there is a time frame that allows the officer to access the situation and determine the level of force required to subdue or arrest the suspect.  In other situations, the escalation is automatic required immediate action to protect both the police and any bystanders.  There is also a third situation, that escalates not immediately but gradually into a confrontation. This post covers a possible alternative to deadly force.

   When there is time to react to a situation with something less than deadly force, here is a possible alternative to engaging a non-life threatening encounter.  This is not a toy but a product that offers a warning shot, if you will.


   The idea of a warning shot is not within the normal training routine of police or military.  Standard procedure is that when police draw a weapon the first shot should be deadly to the target. Only in Hollywood is there  a shoot to wound scene. That is particularly true when the opponent is armed and ready to shoot back at the police. The fact that a police officer feels the need to draw his weapon presupposes that his life is in mortal danger.  Most hardened criminals do not react to the threat of a weapon pointed at them.  If the situation has escalated to that level, the adrenaline and emotion has overtaken their reason.

   Nevertheless, on occasion, there may be room for other than deadly force for arresting a potential assailant.  Here is a novel idea that needs to be evaluated and debated before it is adopted.  It is a device that can be quickly installed on a pistol and provide a first shot deterrent in the event of a confrontation.

   My biggest fear about this device is the fact that another charge of brutality against the police would result because they did NOT USE this in an encounter.  It is so easy to second-guess a police officer when we have the benefit of hindsight and possibly video and no skin in the game. Increasingly we are adding a level of back seat driving to ever encounter between the police and the public. One solution is body cameras that record the incident from the police perspective.  It is increasingly clear that videos will be available of almost any encounter.  It is also clear that they can be selective in their release or edited to present a point of view that does not represent the actual facts. Eye witness accounts are so biased in many incidents that they are no longer reliable.  We may have long since passed the point where the media makes the presumption that the police acted appropriately.  

Watch this Video and decide for yourself if it provides an alternative to deadly force.  

Non-Lethal Force

   Here is the website of the company with additional information. Alternative Ballistics

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( September 24th, 2016 @ 9:28 am )
New Procedures: more technology & less Face to Face. Take photo of tag and mail ticket. Do not go to car. I have lots of ideas like Robots roaming neighborhoods. Para-military units with medics like VN patrols. More cameras in high crime areas. (England has cameras everywhere). Take more time at a safe distance. No rush.
( September 23rd, 2016 @ 10:44 am )
Bill Cosby, B4 BC the rapist, had a comedy routine about The Lone Ranger's horse Silver complaining about the guns hitting his legs.
( September 23rd, 2016 @ 10:36 am )
The Wild West sheriff shot the gun out of the villain's hand.
( September 23rd, 2016 @ 10:12 am )
Back in the old west, the standard technique -at least in the Saturday morning serials- was to throw the gun at the opponent after you have used your 500 shots from a six shooter.

Note the clever use of -dashes-
( September 23rd, 2016 @ 9:46 am )
All Metro Police need these non-lethal weapons.
( September 19th, 2016 @ 5:48 pm )
You have shown a non-lethal attachment to police pistols. The criminal will not care about grammar.
( September 19th, 2016 @ 5:25 pm )
My only skill set is the ability to type fast. After that it is every man (or woman or ???) for himself (or herself or ?????).
( September 19th, 2016 @ 3:23 pm )
My article WORD WARRIOR PUNCTUATION will add to your skill set.
( September 18th, 2016 @ 9:15 am )
Tmc, copy this article an run it through your check. There are several errors there that MS did not catch. I am too cheap to upgrade to the premium version.
( September 5th, 2016 @ 5:15 pm )
Order a truckload for the gangs in Chicago.

Governor McCrory Celebrates Grand Opening Of Aviation And Logistics Lab Technology Issues, Intellectual Property, Business Construction Industry Innovator Will Bring 205 Jobs to Alamance County


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