Profile for Bobby Tony | Eastern North Carolina Now

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Profile for Bobby Tony

User Avatar Joined: Apr 25, 2015 (10:23am)
Updated: May 29, 2020 (6:31am)
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I don’t need to add anything to this as it stands on its own
A heart warming story about Ann Margret and her Vietnam gentlemen.
Here is just a short Poem written during a previous Veteran's day reflection
Here is just a short Poem written during a previous Veteran's day reflection
It may have been a long time ago and probably today seems corny, but how many of you remember trying to sneak down to get a peek at Santa Claus.
It may have been a long time ago and probably today seems corny, but how many of you remember trying to sneak down to get a peek at Santa Claus.
I almost hate to offer this edition of Christmas songs, but humor is always a great picker-upper this time of year.
I almost hate to offer this edition of Christmas songs, but humor is always a great picker-upper this time of year.


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