Dear Friends: Part II | Eastern North Carolina Now

     In regards to ObamaCare, the proverbial smoke has cleared, but the goosebumps appear to be still on the rise. I just received two more communiqués from the Democrats' / Socialists' Jon Vogel, Executive Director of the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) and Florida Congresswoman Deborah Wasserman Schultz. What I received from them was vintage Democrat Rhetoric - straight from their playbook. Maybe I am in such a state of being fed-up with the Socialist / Democrats in Congress; for a long list of reasons, I did not respond to them. I will, however, respond to you.

    I truly do find the Democrats somewhat humorous in regards to their sophistic approach to governing, however, I moreover find them dangerous. As they rush to trample the United States Constitution, chanting: “Yes We Can, Yes We Can,” my condescending light humor evolves into abject disgust. For these Democrats, with their self-admitted goosebumps rising, it is all about appealing to the lowest common denominator, and those are people who will set the course for this nation, as long as Democrat‘s stay in office.

    And what will that path be? Simple: More benefits for the nonproductive class to keep them voting democrat, open borders to our south to grow the Latino / Latina vote for Democrat politicians, which will transform this former great nation into one that more resembles Mexico.

    And what are the tools to keep the sympathies of the Democrats electorate coming to the polls: cry racism, when ever you get the chance, and by all means never, and I mean never, promote a color blind society. Use race to locate the best jobs (government, and, most especially, government bid jobs) for your voting constituents, and label your opponents racist whenever they deal with issues that do not favor race over substance. That is a big part of their playbook on issues that these politicians and their constituents can’t otherwise understand.

    Below is yet another note to me from Jon Vogel of the DCCC concerning the infamous / famous (depending on your point of view) lockstep walk of the Democrat U.S. House members:

Stan --

Today, we make history.

As House Democrats prepare for their final debate and vote on comprehensive health insurance reform, we can only hope today's floor proceedings are more civil than yesterday's despicable incidents with extremist tea party activists sent to the Capitol by Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.

After being addressed by Republican Leader John Boehner and Rep. Joe "You Lie" Wilson, tea party activists launched a series of bigoted attacks at House Democrats walking to a meeting with the President.

Reports from the protest include claims of shouting disgusting racial epithets at civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis and terrible homophobic derogatory language at Rep. Barney Frank -- as well as going so far to actually spit on a member of Congress.

As Congressman Clyburn put it to one heckler, "I am the hardest person in the world to intimidate, so they better go somewhere else."

Let's send an overwhelming message: we will not back down, we will not be intimidated, and we are here to finish this fight.

Today is the day -- show the world Democrats stand united for health care.

Thank you for everything you have done to get us here. We couldn't have done this without you. We will keep you posted as things progress today.

Jon Vogel
DCCC Executive Director

P.S. If you want to see the difference between appalling fear tactics and the power of hope, check out this inspiring video of President Obama at Friday's rally for reform. It'll give you goosebumps.

    This is the ongoing mantra of these cheerleading Democrats: Feel the moment, cry racist, hate Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and never try to understand them or their public. Continuing this theme is more of the same from Florida Congresswoman Deborah Wasserman Schultz here below:

Stan --

I wish you could've been there.

Yesterday, I joined my fellow House Democrats to take a significant step forward for our country - passing comprehensive health insurance reform. While you may not have been on the House floor with me, I felt your unwavering support and your passion as I cast my vote.

Of course, our Republican colleagues had other thoughts in mind. Tomorrow night, those Republican "no" votes are joining their fat cat lobbyist friends for a $1,000 a plate banquet with Fox News right-wing mouthpiece Sean Hannity.

Their goal is to finance more swift boat attack ads and dishonest robocalls to try to tarnish yesterday's victory and claim that "real Americans" stand behind their twisted ideology. They will use their old, tired playbook...distortion, lies, and fear mongering.

We can't let the right-wing spin machine distort our historic victory - We need to let every American know that healthcare in America is a right, not a privilege and that our country enthusiastically supports reform.

Deborah Wasserman Schultz

    Their world is one that I am fast becoming familiar with, as they consider me in the bosom of their promise of Socialism. These leaders of Democratic Socialism are at the tip of their spear that is being aimed and thrust toward their constituent supported objective: Taking the United States of America deeper into the Socialist Morass. I will keep you abreast of their intentions, as they continue to keep me informed of such.
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( March 26th, 2010 @ 5:12 pm )

Well spoken. What I have determined with these people, there is never question of fairness to the larger electorate, it is only the perception of fairness to their voting base.

On another note: You should consider developing an article for Words with the Publisher.
( March 26th, 2010 @ 2:44 pm )
This truly amazes me. No feelings of unfairness towards the average American citizen and the audacity to complain as a Staffer that it is unfair to be covered by the Health Care bill. Justice prevails in small doses Obama and the Congress need to step up to the plate. Obama, his Cabinet, Czars, and staffers should by law be covered by the Health Care bill.

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