Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada Before Bilateral Meeting | Eastern North Carolina Now

Press Release:

White House Oval Office  •  Washington D.C.  •  June 20  •  12:10 P.M. EDT

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, thank you very much. We had some good news. The market hit a all-time high today. The S&P just broke its record, so we're very happy about that. The stock market continues to do well. Jobs have been literally through the roof. And, speaking of jobs, we have the USMCA with Canada, with Mexico. And we've come a long way. It's a great agreement.

    As you know, Mexico, yesterday, approved it -


    PRESIDENT TRUMP: - through the very positive vote. And you're doing very well, I understand, also.


    PRESIDENT TRUMP: But it's an honor to have the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. He's been a friend of mine. We've worked hard together. We worked, in particular, on the USMCA. And we hope to have bipartisan support. I think, Justin, you're going to be making the rounds at Congress later on?

    PRIME MINISTER TRUDEAU: Meeting a few people.

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: That's a terrific thing. But it's great to have you.

    So, we're going to be talking about that. And, generally, we'll be talking trade and other things. And we're then going to have lunch and some meetings. And it's an interesting day, but it will be, like, a positive day, I think, like usual. That's the way we want to have it. We want to have very positive days. We only have positive days.

    So I want to thank you very much, Justin, for coming to the White House.

    PRIME MINISTER TRUDEAU: Thank you, Donald.


    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you. Please.

    PRIME MINISTER TRUDEAU: Thank you, Donald, for this meeting. It's an opportunity for us, as you say, to keep talking about how we've worked hard to build a great trade deal that's good for Canadian workers, good for American workers, good for Mexican workers as well.

    We're moving forward on the ratification process aligned with you. Obviously, today, as well, on top of the great news on the Canadian and American economies, we're continuing to work on a broad range of global issues. Obviously, there's news today we're going to be talking about as well.

    But this is just a really great opportunity for us to continue to work and to develop and to build on the closest alliance in the world, between Canada and the United States.

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, this will be the largest trade deal ever made, and it won't even be close. If you take a look at the numbers, second is so far away, you don't even call it second. So it's very exciting. And very exciting for Mexico; very exciting for Canada.

    And I have to also thank the President of Mexico because he's really been doing a job on the border and a job in Mexico. A lot of very positive things have happened. And the flow has very substantially slowed down. They have 6,000 Mexican troops on their southern border. And it's been - it's really been a tremendous difference.

    So I want to thank Mexico and the people of Mexico. Now, this has only been for a short period of time. Our country has been asking for this for 45 years, approximately. And they're doing it now. And we very much appreciate that Mexico is doing that. It's going to have a big impact. It's already had a big impact.

    So, with that, I thank you very much. And we're going to get on with our discussions. Thank you.

    This is the new -

    (A model plane is presented on the table.)

    Q   Mr. President, how will you respond?

    Q   On Iran, sir -


    PRESIDENT TRUMP: I was going to say this is the new Air Force One, which we ordered, which they've been trying to order for a lot of years. We were able to shave $1.5 billion off the price. When I got here, they were going to spend a lot more money than we spent. And I would say the plane basically is an upgrade over that model. We actually are getting things that they didn't get. We're saving about $1.5 billion. So it's going to be terrific. It's under construction, right now, by Boeing.

    Go ahead. Question?

    Q   Mr. President, how will you respond to Iran?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Iran made a big mistake. This drone was in international waters, clearly. We have it all documented. It's documented scientifically, not just words. And they made a very bad mistake. Okay?

    Q   How will you respond, Mr. President? How will you respond?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: You'll find out.

    Q   Does that mean you're planning to do something?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: You'll find out. You'll find out. I mean, obviously - obviously - obviously, you know, we're not going to be talking too much about it. You're going to find out. They made a very big mistake.

    Q   Mr. President, what are your concerns about China and the Canadians who are detained, sir?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: No concerns. We'll be discussing that. It'll be one of the issues that I think we'll be discussing right now with Justin.

    Q   Mr. President, the Fed made no change to the interest rate.


    Q   The Fed made no change to the interest rate yesterday.


    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I guess they indicated they're going to be lower. He should've done sooner, but what are you going do? Can't win them all. He should've have done it sooner, but you can't win it all. And, eventually, he'll do what's right, perhaps. Let's see what he does.

    Q   Do you intend to bring (inaudible)?

    PRIME MINISTER TRUDEAU: Obviously, we're very concerned about the escalation by Iran recently. We have significant presence in the area, including leading on the NATO mission in Baghdad, in Iraq.

    We look forward to discussing with our closest ally - their perspectives on this - and how we can move forward as an international community.

    Q   Will you help Justin Trudeau get a meeting with Xi Jinping at the G20 next week to talk about the detained Canadians?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I don't know that he's trying to meet. Are you trying to get a meeting?

    PRIME MINISTER TRUDEAU: We've got a lot of things to discuss.

    Q   He wants one, but Xi won't meet with him.

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, otherwise, I'll represent him well, I will tell you. We have a meeting set up with President Xi, and it's obviously on the big transaction that we're talking about and negotiating. Our people are actually speaking now, and we'll see what happens with that. But anything I can do to help Canada, I will be doing.

    Q   Are you planning to bring it up with President Xi when you meet with him?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Excuse me?

    Q   Are you planning to bring it up with President Xi when you meet with him?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: I would. At Justin's request, I will absolutely bring that up.
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