North's Carolina's Economy Would be Bolstered by Fracking | Eastern North Carolina Now

North Carolina's overall economic situation has seen consistent decline over the last several decades. Small towns and big cities around the state have seen businesses large and small leave the state for more profitable lands or go completely out of business.

   North Carolina's overall economic situation has seen consistent decline over the last several decades. Small towns and big cities around the state have seen businesses large and small leave the state for more profitable lands or go completely out of business. This has stranded many of our workers and forced them into government support. Unemployment has peaked, government subsistence programs are exhausted and families are stressed beyond their breaking point.

    When we look across the nation, it is evident that not all states have experienced the level of recession that North Carolina has. In a few states, such as North and South Dakota, there has been little to no evidence of a recession. The majority of states that have not experienced an economic downturn all seem to have one asset in common: a thriving shale gas and/or oil sector.

    A vibrant shale natural gas sector is just around the corner for North Carolina. Due to the recent discovery of shale gas in the Piedmont, we are on the cusp of realizing new jobs created by the harvesting of this natural resource. Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, both practiced for over 50 years, are presently illegal in North Carolina. However, pending legislation moving through the NC House provides a responsible new direction. The known supply of shale gas in North Carolina and throughout the nation has and will continue to drive down the cost of this most versatile fuel. Natural gas is one of the only fuels that can be used to heat homes, provide electricity and power our automobiles. Due to the flexibility and abundance of this fuel, we are at the beginning of an era where we will see a cost reduction in all areas that utilize energy, decreasing the burden on our business and families. When energy prices rise, so does the price of almost every product. When energy prices fall, the cost of living goes down. The cost of energy is woven into almost every aspect of life.

    Shale gas harvesting in North Carolina will create new jobs, develop new business sectors and attract new businesses to this state. The energy sector is unique because it can itself create jobs for our citizens as well as attract new businesses because of low energy costs. In addition, the quality of shale gas contained within North Carolina's borders is high quality and has an excellent chance of bringing back the chemical industry, which has largely moved off our coast.

    Some may say it's too risky to realize the hundreds if not thousands of jobs due to the environmental dangers some say are associated with shale gas harvesting. But, due to technological breakthroughs in drilling technology and best practices management, the agency that regulates the thousands of wells located in Pennsylvania has stated that when best practices and current regulations are followed, environmental risks are almost zero.

    So, where do we go from here? Do we responsibly realize possibly thousands of high-paying jobs, lower our automobile fuel costs, power and heat our homes cheaper, all while keeping the environment safe? Or do we disregard five decades of advancement in this sector and continue along the same economic path, keeping thousands of families in despair? I choose a responsible path toward job creation and energy independence.
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