It was a Week or So of Rants; Continued in Segments - Volume II | Eastern North Carolina Now

I speak my mind whether my audience cares to hear what I stand and deliver, or not. This is a transparency /honesty feature that erupted in me many decades ago, when I was first elected to the office of Beaufort County Commissioner in November, 1994.

    I speak my mind whether my audience cares to hear what I stand and deliver, or not. This is a transparency /honesty feature that erupted in me many decades ago, when I was first elected to the office of Beaufort County Commissioner in November, 1994. It was then that I decided, should I do this job right, honor the position /the office, then I should never really consider re-election, and to that end, always be honest and transparent in my duties, and how I represent such.

    This post that I submit here on BCN is a collection of rants that I submit to Facebook, which I have not incorporated into any other opinion to date. These comments of mine are quite raw, succinct and mostly regard this crazy political season on our national stage, where there is no shortage of substance, yet a true disparity of truth coming from the Democratic Socialist Leftists. Therefore, it is my option and pleasure to extend my efforts to keep the reality of it all transparently active.

    I have always wondered from whence these rants of mine originate; could if be my bitter honesty, or my quickened consternation for the Propagandists running the Fake News roughshod over real Americans, pounding the lot of us all a little bit further down by their Leftist activism. Regardless, it is within me, and through these rants if becomes completely out of me for a while, and that is my free right to do so as per our First Amendment guaranteed right, which, as publisher of a very large informational platform, and far less partisan than any propagandist outlet, I hold very dearly.

    Here below is a collection of this professions of my perspective beginning October 1, 2020:

    I speak my mind whether my audience cares to hear what I stand and deliver, or not. This is a transparency /honesty feature of my character that erupted in me many decades ago, when I was first elected to the office of Beaufort County Commissioner in November, 1994. It was then that I decided, should I do this job right, honor the position /the office, then I would never really consider re-election, and to that end, always be honest and transparent in my duties, and how I represent such.

    These series of posts that I submit here on BCN are a collection of rants that I on ocassion submit to Facebook, which I have not incorporated into another opinion to date. These comments /rants are mostly regarding this crazy political season on our national stage, where there is no shortage of substance, yet a true disparity of truth coming from the Democratic Socialist Leftists. Therefore, it is my option and pleasure to extend my efforts to keep the reality of it all transparently active.

    I always wondered from whence these rants of mine originate; could if be be my bitter honesty, or my quickened compensation for the Propagandists running the Fake News roughshod over real Americans, pounding the lot of us all a little bit further down by their Leftist activism. Regardless, it is within me, and through these rants it explodes completely out of me... for a while. Thankfully, it is mostly still America, and my free right to speak as I see fit as per our First Amendment guarranteed right, which, as a publisher of a very large informational platform and far less partisan than any known propagandist outlet, I hold very dearly.

    Here below is a collection of these professions of my perspective beginning October 1, 2020, with a continuing list of all such posts here:

Should it Ever Come to This - October 6, 2020

    The big news of the day may be that Democratic Socialist Speaker Stammer'n' Nancy killed the Covid Stimulus package by insisting on items like money for Illegals, money for ballot harvesting, which is also illegal, and the bailout of Democratic Socialist cities that traffic in Anarchy and Activism instead of serving their citizens.

    If the dishonest and stupid Democratic Socialists win this election, and it all turns to ... well, you know what I am intimating here ... it might be a good time to secede, and do it right this time.

    The seceding states can keep the Constitution with the states that work at governing wisely and well, and the Leftists can have their Anarchy, Racist talk, Propaganda and Victim-hood. The Democratic Socialists hate the Constitution anyway.

    California talks about secession for themselves often, which would put Hollywood, and Silicon Valley into the other more "Globalist" nation; they can keep Facebook and Google. The South, the Southwest, the Midwest, the West, but not the Weird West, can then decide for themselves who secedes, and who wishes to join the Anarchists - those who who hate Real America and real Americans - then we might would all be the better for it.

    I do believe there would be a very different form of immigration at that point; now, who would pull up stakes and go where at this point?

An Ongoing Truth - October 8, 2020

    America's grand hypocrite and fool, Nitwit Nancy to some; Speaker Stammer'n' Nancy to others, has decided to forgo any stimulus during this Age of Covid unless there are subsidies for: Illegals; Ballot Harvesting; all manner of Marijuana issues; Bailouts for Democratic Socialist governments trafficking in Anarchy and Activism; Killing Babies in the third trimester; and a special NGO carve our for Beelzebub Unlimited.

    When you can't make ends meet this month or next, you can thank Democratic Socialist Hypocrite and Fool Pelosi.


A Clarion Call to Patriots - October 13, 2020

    How can any American patriot vote for the Idiot Biden?

    I don't care that the Fake News propagandists give the campaign the questions before he is asked them, and then he reads the prepared answers (by other people) from a teleprompter.

    I could care less that the Fake News propagandists treat President Trump with hateful contempt, while letting Covid Joe stupidly stand in large, almost empty rooms, with a poorly fitted mask, his muffled old man voice struggling to be heard in unintelligible gaffs, while Fake News propagandists watchfully prop the Old Fool up.

    What I do care about is that something, or some plan has stunted the intellect of our American public to the point that they believe that either Covid Joe or his Socialist sidekick could ever have enough character or intellect to be president.

    It must be a combination of multiple factors of abnormality within our fractured, and in some sectors damaged society, but I do not have the time now to lay the rightful blame, so will I tell you this with complete confidence ...

    If Covid Joe and his band of completely dishonest fools continue to scare enough voting Americans into complete intellectual dysfunction, while citing SCIENCE(!), while knowing nothing of real science, Covid Joe and his Socialist sidekick could win this convoluted race for the presidency. And, should they terribly mess-up what has been a positive turn in these tremulous times, and I feel most strongly that they will mess it all up: Who will be responsible?

    Well, I am certain of this: It won't be President Trump, and it won't be the many good, patriotic Americans like me, and like all of you who know what is real, who desperately care, and are rightfully concerned about our collective future.

Brilliance in the Face of the Banal - October 13, 2020

    Judge Amy Coney Barrett is brilliant, glowingly intelligent, eminently qualified, and a perfect choice for the highest court in the land, right now at this perfect time in the history of our beleaguered Republic.

    No one, with a full working understanding of the Constitution; such as congress people should have, will refrain from voting Judge Amy Coney Barrett to become Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

    Later in the Hearing session, I have a comment:

    Did I mention previously that Amy Klobuchar was fundamentally a partisan fool, who favors voter suppression in states like North Carolina rather than following the law, just because our state does not comport with the Democratic Socialist vote fraud strategies?

    Amy Coney Barrett is handling this former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate very kindly, respectfully, yet commandingly like the partisan fool that she, Klobuchar, is.

    Later in the Hearing session, I have this summation:

    Driven to this analysis by comments and a question or two by Crazy Mazie Hirono, I must beg a reply: Why are the Democratic Socialist Senators so completely intolerant to the point of functional, but unintelligible gibberish?

    Later, late in the afternoon, during the incredibly long Hearing, Corey Booker (aka "Spartacus"), while explaining it all to Amy Coney Barrett, he digressed to his vast relationship with the LGBTQ community, where he started sniffling almost uncontrollably as if he was coming down with Covid, or working himself up into a crying jag. Judge Barrett looked dispassionately, yet quizzically at young "Spartacus", as if to beg, "Are you going to be okay little fella?"


Should President Trump perform his Constitutional duty and appoint a third Supreme Court Justice, or wait until it is suitable to the Democratic Socialists in congress and the media?
  Yes, Mr. Trump has the Constitutional duty to appoint a supreme court justice and the U.S. Senate is constitutionally sworn to "advise and consent".
  No, it is too close to the election of president, and the while Democratic Socialists do not have control of the U.S. Senate, they do have the control of the U.S. House and the media.
  I don't pay attention to these sorts of things.
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