Advanced Tech Company To Expand in Salisbury With $2.6 Million Investment | Eastern North Carolina Now

Integro Technologies to Add 30 New Jobs in Rowan County

Press Release:

    RALEIGH: Integro Technologies Corp., an industrial automation company, will create 30 new jobs, over five years, in Rowan County with a $2.67 million investment for additional assembly, logistic solution prototyping and manufacturing space in Salisbury, Governor Roy Cooper announced today.

    "Today's expansion by Integro Technologies showcases our state's productive, tech-savvy workforce," Governor Cooper said. "This homegrown North Carolina company provides customized inspection solutions that meet the fast-changing needs of global industry and will grow jobs in Rowan County."

    Integro Technologies established a corporate headquarters in Salisbury, North Carolina in 2005. Integro is a machine vision, artificial intelligence, logistics and robotics integrator that designs and develops custom automated solutions for a range of industries including advanced manufacturing, e-commerce, medical device and pharmaceuticals. Integro's engineered quality inspection solutions utilize high speed 3D imaging technology, deep learning techniques, vision guided robotics and other advanced technologies that are leveraged by customers like Energizer, Kimberly Clark, Toyota and Eli Lilly within their operations. The global Inc. 5000 company will expand their existing engineering and development center in downtown Salisbury by 10,000SF of space.

    "We are enthusiastic about the opportunities this award presents to reshape and grow our organization in North Carolina to accommodate the post-COVID economy," said Shawn Campion, President & CEO of Integro Technologies Corp. "The new positions will provide career opportunities with training for a range of educational backgrounds, from high school STEM and CTE classes or practical mechatronics and computer knowledge, to engineering master's degrees. Willingness to learn, continually adapt to new challenges, and travel to customer facilities are attributes we seek in new candidates for career development."

    "Integro Technologies is a prominent name in advanced quality-control systems, and its customers include many of North Carolina's largest businesses," said Commerce Secretary Anthony M. Copeland. "We salute the innovative spirit this company brings to our economy and congratulate their workers and management on the success that has led to this exciting expansion."

    The North Carolina Department of Commerce led a team of partners in supporting Integro Technologies continued expansion in North Carolina. The new positions will include field and logistic solution engineers and technicians, thereby expanding Integro's capacity to support e-commerce and manufacturing operations. Annual salary for the positions is expected to average $61,667, creating a payroll impact of more than $1.85 million per year for the surrounding community. Rowan County's overall average annual wage is $43,883.

    A performance-based grant of $80,000 from the One North Carolina Fund will help facilitate Integro's expansion. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance to local governments to help attract economic investment and to create jobs. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for payment. All One NC grants require a matching grant from local governments and any award is contingent upon that condition being met.

    Partnering with the North Carolina Department of Commerce and the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina on this project were the North Carolina General Assembly, Rowan County, Rowan EDC and the City of Salisbury.

  • Contact: Ford Porter

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