EU Green Deal killed 68,000 Europeans last winter | Eastern North Carolina Now

how many will NC's Green New Deal kill here?


Green energy kills, and not just the birds, bats,a nd insects being slaughtered in the millioins by wind and solar sites.  The high electric rates caused by expensive and unreliable wind and solar power are also killing people.  That was shown in Europe last winter and will undoubtedly be repeated in North Carolina from the passage of our own Green New Deal, HB951, pushed by RINOs Phil Berger and Tim Moore, and also eastern NC's own RINO Jim Perry.

Germany was the first to go hog wild into wind and solar with their Energie Wende under Merkel that gave them the highest residential electric rates in the world.   The whole EU followed in 2020 with its Green Deal, sending power prices across the continent to the moon.  Repeated rate increases in the 30% range became common.

Now the human cost of those high electric rates is being tallied.  The Economist magazine, a highly respected British journal that las been published since the 1840s, after much research has calculated that high energy prices killed 68,000 Europeans this past winter. 


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( June 2nd, 2023 @ 9:24 am )
Fact. The huge increase in European electric rates happened BEFORE the Ukraine war. Deal with it, moron. German electric rates, for example, were three times what we pay in North Carolina, as a result of expensive and unreliable wind and solar.
Big Bob said:
( June 2nd, 2023 @ 9:00 am )
Fact. The Russians turned off the gas. Deal with it.
( June 1st, 2023 @ 9:24 pm )
Truth and your globalist / progressive narrative are not the same, and in fact are often opposite, Bobbie. There are numerous links to articles on the massive cost of wind and solar over conventional energy in Europe and elsewhere at this Australian based site: It is not just Europe. The Labour Party in the state of South Australia, for example, in eliminating coal and moving to wind and solar took the state from the lowest residential electric rates in the world to the highest in the world (they are even higher than Germany, although the national average is lower than Germany since many other Australian states rely more on coal).

You might even search the BO for an article on the massive electric price rises in Europe BEFORE the Ukraine war as one was posted here.

Your opinions of what is "true" are pure BS, Bobbie and they reflect nothing but your ideological viewpoint.
Big Bob said:
( June 1st, 2023 @ 3:14 pm )
Absolutely not true.
( May 31st, 2023 @ 6:58 pm )
The huge spike in electric prices in Europe happened well before the Ukraine war and in direct response to the EU green deal. Poland's prime minister told his countrymen that the huge rate increases on electricity were due to "the climate policies of the EU". Spain's socialist deputy prima minister warned the EU that the rise in power prices from the Green Deal created a threat of public unrest in her country they were so severe. A few countries made out much better than others, like France which relies mostly on nuclear power and is building lots more. The Russian gas cutoff did not help but it was not the cause. Skyrocketing electric prices had already happened. Norway has come to the rescue of some countries like building a new pipeline to Poland, but again that was in the works before the Ukraine war.

Most of Europe is screwing themselves by not developing shale gas which a number of countries like Germany and the UK have a good supply of but will not develop due to the climate crazies. Norway, however, is going full steam ahead to supply both oil and gas. Hungary is starting to open up its shale reserves, which are estimated to be able to supply their own needs for centuries. Prime Minister Liz Truss briefly opened the UK's shale gas reserves to development, only to have that policy reversed by current prime minister Sunak.
Big Bob said:
( May 31st, 2023 @ 9:56 am )
Or maybe the Russians stopped selling the EU their natural gas? You know, because of the war.

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