Warning to NC as German gov't admits green energy will be tough on citizens | Eastern North Carolina Now

House Bill 951 put NC on very same path


When the NC legislature last year adopted House Bill 951 due to the pressure of the RINO legislative leaders Moore and Berger, they put North Carolina on the same path as the EU on "green" energy, and particulatly Germany which has been on it longer.

Germans have already seen massive rate increases due to switching to wind and solar, and new increases continue to hit frequently, but they are far from over.  Germans now pay three times what North Carolinians pay for electricity.  German Economic Affairs Minister Robert Habeck, a member of the far left Green Party, recently warned that more is to come, declaring that "tough years of green industrial transition will put a burden on people" noting that the German economy had already shrunk by 0.3% this year.  Habeck has been an advocate of radical energy transition.

German business leaders are already warning that the rising energy costs from wind and solar and the lack of reliability will put Germany on a path to de-industrialization.  Some German companies have already packed up and left and others are eying opportunities to move elsewhere.

The EU's Green Deal calls for moving to 50% "green" energy by 2030, while NC's HB951 tops that with a requirement to move to 70% by 2030.



On a hot summer day like today, what power source is providing out electricity? Wind and solar are bit players. It is coal, nuclear, and gas that is keeps the lights and the air conditioners on.  In particularly hot and particularly cold weather, wind power production tends to fall off badly.  Solar does not work at all at night, and very little when cloudy, foggy, snow covered, dew covered, etc.

Another alarm bell is a political one and it comes from the UK, where former Conservative Party Prime Minister David Cameron put the government and the party on a "green" track, and his successors kept it there, especially Boris Johnson, to please his mistress Carrie who is an environmentalist activitist.  Now that voters are seeing the "green" project taking real bites out of their pocketbooks and liberties, it has become a political liability to the Conservative Party and contributing to its stark electoral decline, the current prime minister, Sunak, is trying to backpedal as hard as he can on this political disaster.



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( July 29th, 2023 @ 12:12 pm )
That chart is instructive. Considering all the wasteful taxpayer subsidies of wind and solar, they provide only a tiny part of our energy needs. Biden wasted hundreds of billions more on that fools errand. This is nothing but a politically motivated boondoggle. The Democrats don't care how much they raise our electric rates just so they can pay hommage to their Climate Scientology cult.
( July 29th, 2023 @ 6:52 am )
RINOs are doing us more damage than Democrats. Timmy Moore ahd Phil-ith Berger are Nancy Pelosi without the skirt and with an "R" by their name. We in the east also do not need to forget that RINO Senator Jim Perry was very involved on screwing us on this one, too. Perry is notorious for trading his votes to the "woke" special interests in rturn for campaign money, just like Moore and Berger do. Perry just got caught taking big money from big gambling interests to put casinos in our state. On the wind and solar scam, Perry took big money from very "woke" Duke Energy and from the wind and solar grifters. Perry, Moore, and Berger are all in a race to see who can be "the best politician that money can buy". They just don't care if they send our electric rates to the moon while they are doing it.

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