Observer Choices in March Primary -- Palm Card | Eastern North Carolina Now

Here are our picks


March 5 Primary Palm Card

President            Donald Trump

Governor            Dale Folwell

Lt. Governor       Hal Weatherman

Auditor               Charles Dingee

Agriculture         Colby Hammonds

Insurance            Mike Causey

Labor                   Luke Farley

Sec. of State       Chad Brown

Public Instr.        Michele Morrow

Treasurer             A. J. Daoud

Court of App      Hunter Murphy

NC Senate           Michael Speciale

Commissioner(1)Tandy Dunn, Steve Carawan or Hood Richardson

Reg. of Deeds     Tim Melton

Board of Ed.       Brian Wood, Raymond Start, Stacey Davis

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Van Zant said:
( February 29th, 2024 @ 9:23 am )
Further, I do not live on Facebook. Despise it actually. Did make myself look at that vulgar RINO site this morning. Of course, the profile gives a nasty name not a real name. Interestingly enough, some of the commenters did give their real names. One I saw in several places was that Varcoe dude. He was constantly saying nasty things about a conservative Republican. He even said don't vote for him. Isn't Varcoe the acting chairman of the Beaufort County Republican Party? This is not acceptable behavior by a Republican Party officer. Especially in a Republican primary season. That other vice-chairwoman is the name that comes up most often from those conversations I referred to earlier in the context of publicly saying derogatory things about conservative Republicans. I guess there are no rules for RINOs.

Another observation. The folks on that disgusting site call Beaufort County conservatives a cult. From what I saw on that Facebook site, they are the ones behaving like a cult. How are crude, dishonest people like that allowed to lead a political party? Sign of the times I guess.
Big Bob said:
( February 29th, 2024 @ 6:23 am )
JS- I sure hope your right. Junior is probably the dumbest and least likable of all the chumps. That kid is a total dope.
( February 28th, 2024 @ 8:30 pm )
I think that if the Democrats manage to take Trump out either with their Stalin Show Trials or some even more sinister means, Donald Trump, Jr. is a more likely replacement than Nikki Haley, who is how so hated by much of the GOP base that she could never get nominated, much less elected.
Van Zant said:
( February 28th, 2024 @ 7:47 pm )
I do not believe candidates are sending out the stuff I saw online with their name on it that I know of. People HAVE come to me with stories of nasty things said about conservative candidates and conservative office holders for some time now. These hostile stories were from people that said they heard it from local officers of the Republican Party, and they said it in public places. My sources gave me the names of the particular officers.

I have lately been directed to online stuff that was over the top offensive and personal with strong racial connotations. A couple of people called me last night and asked me if it was from a candidate with roots in the county Repub. officer cadre, because they thought it was. I can't say for sure in instances like that. People don't put their names on stuff like that. It was vulgar, personal and I do strongly suspect the source, because it matches previous behavior that did come from the local Repub. Party. It is the same M.O. Certain things match.

If it is not from the local party now would be the time to disavow. My friends that know all the parties involved tell me they have no doubt. Exact words: "Duh, who else do you think it could be?" I tend to trust their judgement.

Locally, think about the Reg. of Deeds race and the Commissioner race. They will not be anyone endorsed on this sites' palm card. They will be candidates that serve on the BC Repub. Executive Committee.

Also, ask a committee member how they stand on wooing Democrats into a Republican Primary so as to defeat conservatives.
( February 28th, 2024 @ 7:02 pm )
Big Bob: Good luck with the smart guy getting convicted, and becoming a political prisoner of your Non Patriot Left, so your stupid guy can win the election, and finish destroying the Republic.

Sounds like a game plan for those that hate this Republic.
Big Bob said:
( February 28th, 2024 @ 6:13 pm )
I think she will hang around to see if trump gets convicted. In Nov. chump will lose either way. However if he is convicted...he's done.
( February 28th, 2024 @ 5:11 pm )
If you know of local candidates doing that, Van Zant, please share. Voters who are actual bona fide Republicans need to know who is doing that besides that useless Nikki Haley.
( February 28th, 2024 @ 4:23 pm )
After Tuesday, it will be quite over for Mrs. Nikki.
Van Zant said:
( February 28th, 2024 @ 4:17 pm )
Yes. Nikki Haley is the great example at the national level of a Republican candidate relying on Democrat support in the Republican Primary season. Truth is there are several county level 'Republican' candidates doing the same thing. It is also a fact that those are the very candidates with ties to or support from the local party organization. Rather than guidance from the Republican Party, in Beaufort County the party seems to be the biggest offender. This party is only capable of producing chaos and meanness. Expect no productive leadership from that crowd.
( February 28th, 2024 @ 1:17 pm )
Any "Republican" candidate that does what you are saying, jeff, should be outted and then shunned by all true Republican voters. Nikki Haley is a case in point, who has been helped in multiple states by that tactic.
( February 28th, 2024 @ 12:22 pm )
Many R's running are sending out letters with detailed instructions how to vote for them in March and then change affiliation back before Nov. Expect many dems to vote in this primary for R's.....
( February 28th, 2024 @ 12:11 pm )
Voters have to be careful in Republican primaries because every candidate tells you they are "conservative" even those with very liberal records like Bill Graham in the governor's race or Jon Hardister in the Commissioner of Labor race. Even ones like Brad Briner running for State Treasurer who voted in the Democrat primaries as late as 2020 and works for the financial network of major gun control promoter Michael Bloomberg.

Then there are the poseurs like Bob Brinson who spout what the polls say voters want to hear, even when it contradicts his own record in public office and the positions of his main campaign backers. We need to look at records instead of rhetoric. Mark Robinson is another good example, a guy who gives a great speech but is never there to help on major issues. He is all talk and no "do". Dale Folwell is the conservative who has a record of actually getting things done for the conservative side in Raleigh.
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