San Francisco appoints first Non-Citizen to sit on the City’s Elections Commission | Eastern North Carolina Now

This is how a nation ends.


This is how a nation ends.

First, they open the borders to millions of illegal invaders. Then, they put non-citizens in charge of elections.

Kelly Wong from Hong Kong was recently appointed to serve on the San Francisco Department of Elections.

Kelly is not a citizen and came to the US in 2019, around five years ago.

Wong, a non-citizen, says she will champion immigrant rights… Like voting?

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( February 19th, 2024 @ 12:51 pm )
Kelly Wong's victory speech.
( February 18th, 2024 @ 8:27 am )
Voting is the reason Biden is letting all the illegal aliens into the country. What we need are extremely severe penalties for an illegal alien or any foreign citizen registtering to vote, actually coting, or assisting foreign nationals in registering to vote.

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