Dems super election lawyer Marc Elias admits Trump can't get fair trial in DC | Eastern North Carolina Now

Elias led national Democrat campaign to change election rules in 2020


The Democrats lead national election lawyer, who was responsible for lawsuits all over the country in 2020 to change election laws to make fraud easier, Marc Elias, has made a social media post after the DC primary crowing that Trump cannot get a fair trial in DC due to the jury pool.  Elias has also led Democrat redistricting efforts all over the country.

Why does Elias think that the Biden hack who is prosecuting Trump, Jack(bpoot) Smith, brought those charges in DC in the first place?  Getting a rigged jury pool and biased judges is the answer.  This is all about staging a Stalin Show Trial for political purposes.  At least a highly political Democrat lawyer will admit what is going on.

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( March 6th, 2024 @ 8:17 am )
They try to bring cases against Trump in places with politicized jury pools that are anti-Trump and judges on the bench who are partisan leftwing Democrats. These are deliberately stage managed as Stalin SHow Trials. The documents case they got stuck on because they had to bring it in Florida where Trump had a shot at a fair judge and jury pool, the only one of the cases where he has a fair fight. Failure to change venue in the other cases shows that our court system's integrity is going downhill fast.
( March 5th, 2024 @ 8:48 am )
They try to bring cases against Trump in places with politicized jury pools that are anti-Trump and judges on the bench who are partisan leftwing Democrats. These are deliberately stage managed as Stalin SHow Trials. The documents case they got stuck on because they had to bring it in Florida where Trump had a shot at a fair judge and jury pool, the only one of the cases where he has a fair fight. Failure to change venue in the other cases shows that our court system's integrity is going downhill fast.

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