Cratering minority support may sink Democrat Party - Financial Times analysis | Eastern North Carolina Now

polling reflects big drop in minority voter support for Democrats


An analysis published in one of the world's great financial journals, the Financial Times of London finds that falling support among minority voters could spell doom for the Democrat Party this year.  While Biden won the non-white vote by 50 points in 2020, current polls show the Democrats ahead by only 12 points among the same voters and the gap is closing.

The analysis points to a "racial realignment" in American politics as minority voters whose views are more conservative than those of the Democrats realize they have been supporting the wrong party.  The writers say the shift in voter sentiment is "much deeper than anticipated" and that the Democrat Party is increasingly seen by minority voters as the party of the rich ivy league elitists with whom they have little in common.

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Big Bob said:
( March 14th, 2024 @ 7:22 pm )
Exactly. Tell you what, I think you should market to them with gold $400 sneakers. They’ll love it! Nothing makes me want to vote Republican like a $400 pair of gold sneakers.

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