conservative Weatherman wins landslide run off for Lt. Governor | Eastern North Carolina Now

RINO establishment candidate slips in for State Auditor


Conservative Hal Weatherman won the Republican run-off primary for Lieutenant Governor in a landslide.  Weatherman won 99 out of the state's 100 counties and almost 75% of the vote.  Weatherman served for eight years as chief of staff to conservative former Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest.  He defeated Forsyth County District Attorney Jim O'Neill, who was known as "Roy Cooper's favorite Republican" when Cooper was Attorney General and O'Neill would join Cooper in criticizing the Republican-led General Assembly.  O'Neill's failed campaign was run by liberal Republican political consultant Paul Shumaker, best known for his association with liberal Republican US Senator Thom Tillis.

Things did not go as well for conservatives in the runoff for State Auditor where establishment RINO David Boliek prevailed over moderate conservative Jack Clark 53% to 47%.  Boliek, a lawyer, who is a fairly recent switchover from the Democrat Party, was recruited to run by Jim Blaine, the political operative for liberal "Republican" state senate boss Phil Berger.  Boleik sat for many years on the Board of Governors of the state university system where he refused to do anything to stop that system's slide into wokeness.   Clark was the only candidate running for that office on either side who is a CPA and the only one with actual auditing experience.  Boliek spent a lot of establishment money on mail outs and TV pushing a rather questionable claim to be a "conservative".

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