Cheeseman guts much of school board curriculum reform | Eastern North Carolina Now

genuine parent input thwarted; liberal DPI input retained


After two woke curricula were presented to the Beaufort County School Board, one in social studies and one in math, the three conservative school board members launched an effort to reform the curriculum process.  One objective was bringing in genuine parent involvment in the process and the other was to give board members more involvement in choosing the curriculum.  It was always an uphill process due to the six board members who are little more than rubberstamps for superintendant, Matthew Cheeseman, a California liberal.

In the end, it was Cheeseman who read off what he would accept, gutting much of what the conservative board members had tried to do.  Cheeseman's language was likely either written or influenced by the Durham liberal Democrat activist who Cheeseman had brought in as the school board attorney.

A big thing lost was meaningful parent involvement in the curriculum process. This is important because recently polling shows 71% of North Carolina parents are concerned about political indoctrination of their children in the public schools.

Under the Cheeseman language, there will be a window dressing of parents chosen and directed by school administrators as part of the curriculum committee.  The original draft had called for a community standards committee of one parent from each school board district chosen by the board to give their input on whether a proposed curriculum met local community standards.

Teaching of cursive writing, multiplication tables, and America's founding documents and founding fathers was also cut by Cheeseman.  When the process started the curriculum policy had a weak reference to founding documents, but even that has now been deleted.  The conservative board members had tried to insert robust language on teaching each of these things.

Cheeseman also deleted even a general reference to curriulum respecting local community standards.  Instead, he inserted strong language to demand adherence to the standards of the ultra-liberal state school board and DPI, who are the sources of the very political indoctrination opposed by parents.

The new curriculum policy did make a few steps forward.  The language from the conservatives that allows the board to have approval of the curriculum committee members, give direction to the curriculum committee, and to be given three proposals to consider instead of a single proposal to rubberstamp as the process had worked was allowed by Cheeseman.

Another advance that was less than desired was in keeping the board informed on what the curriculum development committee was doing.  Cheeseman also rewrote that language to make a central office staff member responsible for that, but the central office staff member designated has a history of not being forthcoming with the school board.  That staff member had falsely told the school board that the recommended Savvas woke social studies curriculum was the only one approved by DPI.  He also falsely told the school board that the Bridges math curriculum was "not Common Core" only to have to reverse himself at the next meeting after board members and community members had researched it and found out that it was Common Core.

The problem with the state school board was illustrated a couple of years ago when its ultra-liberal majority appointed by Gov. Cooper rammed through a woke state social studies curriculum.  This was vigorously and vocally opposed by Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and State Treasurer Dale Folwell, who serve on the state school board by virtue of their offices, but they were outvoted by Cooper's ultra-liberals.  It is that woke agenda that Cheeseman demands we follow.

This all adds up to a crying need to replace Cheeseman's flunkies on the school board this November and get some new members who will stand up for parents and our local community.

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( August 24th, 2024 @ 7:16 pm )
School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education
( August 24th, 2024 @ 6:23 pm )
I wonder if there is some ulterior purpose for these huge schools. They don't seem to be based on educational needs. They seem contrary to the best interests of education.

What you point out about Cheeseman is all the more reason to watch everything he recommends. A board majority of Cheeseman rubberstamps is NOT in the best interests of Beaufort County.
( August 24th, 2024 @ 3:29 pm )
Hite Associates has designed and contracted many of these huge new high capacity schools all over.

Jimmy Hite is a board member of the private Oakwood school in Greenville. This private school boasts about the high performance of their students and contributes some of their success to the small class sizes, where students can get a more personal learning experience.

His actions and his beliefs seem to be in contradiction.

Disgraced superintendent Jeff Moss, who was accused of nepotism, unethical conduct, and cronyism, always seemed to hire Hite no matter what state or school district he was working for.

Cheeseman is also an Advisory Board member to this “RTM Group”, which gave him an award as top superintendent. RTM- meaning “Route to Market” is just about selling digital teaching sewage. They are literally snake oil salesman with no concern about the actual learning of students.

I’m really sick of these conglomerate groupies pooling their collective resources to rip off the taxpayer for millions. They sell big expensive ideas that truly offer nothing of substance. Then once they have sold what they can, they move to another district to do the same.

If we think that 10mil is all the taxpayers will be on the hook for, we may be gravely mistaken. The past shows us Hite Associates tends to go over budget.
( August 24th, 2024 @ 2:27 pm )
The people not to elect to school boards are the woke and those seat warmers who are yes men for the bureaucracy. T.W. Allen, Eltha Booth, and Mack Hodges fall into both of those categories. We need a change. The conservatives are trying to get some reform but the rubberstamps for the bureaucracy have thwarted it so far. They need some reinforcements by getting rid of those three.
Big Bob said:
( August 24th, 2024 @ 9:33 am )
Regardless how you feel about the schools board electing MGAA candidates is not the solution. Around the country this party has been given a chance and for the most part failed. Many are not being re-elected. Why?

They cant govern. They are a grievance driven and can’t get anything done. Elect republicans not MAGA.
( August 24th, 2024 @ 8:16 am )
So Cheeseman chose a school construction firm that has been investigated by the FBI to build his huge new elementary school. Ironically, that was in South Carolina's Beaufort County schools. That is a huge red flag that this boondoggle needs to be watched like a hawk. It smells to high heaven.
( August 23rd, 2024 @ 11:12 pm )
Keywords for any who care:

School Construction
Jimmy Hite; (Hite Associates)
FBI Investigation
Dr. Jeffery Moss; Superintendent
Oakwood School

Questions about conflict of interests and ethical behavior.

Should a board member of a private school be in charge of designing public schools?

Why is so much money being poured into large school construction projects?

Something smells funny…
( August 21st, 2024 @ 6:00 pm )
Buzz, the NC statute that is directly on point says that the elected local school board is the final authority on approving a curriculum. No entity at the state level has the authority to tell them what they can and cannot approve. That is the position of the legal staff at the NC General Assembly when they advised Rep. Kidwell, and it is IMHO an accurate statement of the law.

Entities in Raleigh try to claim control of curriculum based on testing provisions, but that is a real stretch. There is a decades long history of education entities in Raleigh attempting to assert controls over local school boards that they simply do not have and this is one example.
Bubba said:
( August 21st, 2024 @ 3:30 pm )
Why would our elected school board members surrender this much power to the likes of Cheeseman? Rubverstamps like T.W. Allen need to GO.
( August 21st, 2024 @ 2:51 pm )
So, Cheeseman does not want kids taught about our founding fathers and founding documents. Or multiplication tables or cursive writing. We need to ship him back to California where he belongs, not running our schools! Too bad we can't send his minions T.W. Allen, Eltha Booth, and Mack Hodges with him, but at least we can vote those un-American phonies out of office. Our schools are in the mess they are because of liberal bureaucrats like Cheeseman and suck-up school board members like Allen, Booth, and Hodges.
( August 21st, 2024 @ 11:23 am )
I have been following this saga for a while and regret that the effort did not get any farther, but with that clique of Cheeseman brown nosers on the board, it was always likely.

Van Zant is right about how silly that argument by Cheeseman and his sock puppets was. Teachers are going to be a lot more imtimidated by administrators, especially a control freak like Cheeseman and anyone working for him, than a school board member. The real concern of that group was probably that the presence of a school board member may have lessened Cheeseman's ability to pressure the committee to get what he wanted.

But they have made silly excuses all along to thwart curriculum reform. Another was that Durham shyster whining about the parents community standard committee having to meet Open Meetings standards. Duh! All government bodies have to do that and it is not a big deal at all. It was nothing but a silly excuse to block public input.

I can understand the liberal Democrats like Mac Hodges and Eltha Booth eating out of Cheeseman's hand. They are all peas in a lefty pod. What is appalling is RINO T.W. Allen being Cheeseman's sock puppet. If T.W. Allen wants to function like a Democrat, why is he not honest enough to actually register as a Democrat? If Cheeseman says "jump", Allen asks "How high?"
Van Zant said:
( August 21st, 2024 @ 10:48 am )
Am I to understand that the argument against a board member on a curriculum committee would be that it might be intimidating to teachers on the committee? That's pretty bogus when you consider that other staff members that may be on the committee have much more to do with hiring and firing of teachers than a school board member. School board members only have the ability to hire and fire a superintendent and that is only if they have a board majority.

Some of these arguments presented by the entrenched board members and the superintendent seem ridiculous. Do they really believe it makes sense to the public?
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