Censorship: Zuckerberg admits FBI pressure led to killing Hunter laptop story | Eastern North Carolina Now

crooked FBI needs to be abolished and replaced with honest, non-political agency


In the runup to the 2020 election, the New York Post broke the story of the Hunter Biden laptop, but social media suddenly blocked the story being repeated on their sites.  Post election polls showed that if this story had gotten out it would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election.

The Twitter files, released after Elon Musk took over showed very inappropriate actions by the  politically corrupt FBI to shut down the Hunter laptop story.  Later testimony in the Hunter Biden trial showed that the FBI had already examined the laptop and determined it was real, but that was not the way they presented it to social media and big media companies.  They lied and they lied for political purposes

Now another shoe has dropped.  Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, which censored any post regarding the Hunter BIden laptop, has admitted that they did it because of FBI pressure.  Zuckerburg appologized for going along with the censorship.

The politically corrupt FBI has turned America into a banana republic.






And this is not the only pressure Zuckerburg has received to censor Americans.  He reported that the Biden-Harris regime has pressured him to censor on Covid issues.


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Bubba said:
( August 29th, 2024 @ 9:35 am )
The FBI stole the 2020 presidential election with their election interference on the Hunter Biden laptop. Everyone involved in any way should be both fired and prosecuted for it. That fact that FBI leadership has done nothing to discipline those involved shows the whole organization is rotten to the core.
( August 27th, 2024 @ 9:04 am )
This is a clear cut example of election interference by a federal agency, the FBI, something that should never be tolerated in a Constitutional republic. Even worse, it is election interference that apparently changed the outcome of a presidential election, and the FBI knew their spiel was false when they were imposing it on social media companies. We had worse election interference from our own government agencies than from any foreign source.

There needs to be a special prosecutor appointed to investigate and charge everyone in the FBI who participated or approved this election interference and to determine if there were any political actors involved. There should be indictments and prosecutions to discourage a travesty like this from ever happening again. Then Congress should consider whether to repeal and replace the FBI with a new honest and non-political agency. Who can ever trust the FBI again after some of its recent politicized actions?

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