"The immigration crisis is first and foremost a crime crisis" - police union chairman | Eastern North Carolina Now

German police union chief says country is no longer safe due to immigration crisis


"The immigration crisis is first and foremost a crime crisis," declared Manuel Ostermann, national chairman of Germany's police union. "Nothing about it is possitive.  Germany is no longer a safe country.  We have a massive problem with knife crime.  This reality can no longer be ignored or tabooed.  Now is the time to recognize reality and implement clear measures in the Constitutional fight against this policy madness."

Illegal aliens make up 14% of the population of Germany, but commit 60% of the violent crimes, as well as consuming 62% of the taxpayer money spent on welfare.


Americans can fight back against the immigration policy madness of the Biden-Harris regime in our own country by reelecting President Donald Trump.

Here are some examples of the many crimes illegal aliens have been involved in:


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( August 29th, 2024 @ 9:23 am )
In Europe and America, illegal aliens are being subsidized by the welfare state, even put up in luxury hotels, but they still widely commit crimes. These despicable freeloadeing thugs need to be sent home, and President Trump will do it. Harris wants to give them amnesty and let them stay.
Big Bob said:
( August 29th, 2024 @ 9:08 am )
Desperate people do dangerous things.
( August 29th, 2024 @ 8:59 am )
Anywhere in the world where there is a big influx of illegal aliens, there is also a big jump in crime. The two go together.

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