Kamala’s Favorability Rating Skyrocketed After Biden Dropped Out, And It’s Still Climbing | Eastern North Carolina Now

Despite not holding any major interviews or press conferences since becoming the Democrats’ de facto nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris’ favorability rating has skyrocketed with the help of positive media coverage since President Joe Biden left the race on July 21.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Zach Jewell.

    Despite not holding any major interviews or press conferences since becoming the Democrats' de facto nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris' favorability rating has skyrocketed with the help of positive media coverage since President Joe Biden left the race on July 21.

    Beginning on July 22, one day after Biden dropped out of the 2024 race and endorsed his vice president, Harris's favorability rating began to climb, according to polling compiled by RealClearPolitics. On July 22, Harris' average favorability rating stood at a dismal 37.9%, but it didn't stay below 40% for long.

    A week after Biden dropped out and Democrats pushed Harris as the new nominee, the vice president's favorability rating jumped to 41.7%. It continued to climb into August, reaching 45.5% on the 15th, and as of Thursday, it stands at 47.2%. As recently as late June and early July, some polls showed Harris' favorable/unfavorable spread underwater by more than 20 points. Now, recent polls from Morning Consult, Rasmussen, and Emerson have Harris in the green by 1-4 points.

    Harris' favorability rating has overtaken that of her rival, Donald Trump, who currently holds an average 44.2% favorability rating, per RCP. The vice president's rating has also overtaken her boss's favorability rating, which is barely eclipsing 40% as of Thursday.

    The vice president is also enjoying a rise in polling, marking a significant improvement for Democrats in 2024 battleground states. According to a Fox News poll released on Wednesday, Harris is polling better against Trump than Biden was in important swing states and closing the gap in Sun Belt states. Trump - who had a comfortable lead in the polling against Biden in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina - is now only leading Harris by 1 point in North Carolina and trailing the vice president by 1-2 points in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada.

    Harris, who has been slammed for avoiding major media appearances, will finally sit down for a pre-taped interview with CNN anchor Dana Bash that will be broadcast on Thursday night. The Democratic nominee's running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, will join Harris for the CNN interview.


    Harris has yet to release any substantive policy platform on her campaign website nearly 40 days after Biden dropped out of the race. The few policies she has proposed, such as instituting price controls on groceries, imposing an unprecedented 25% unrealized capital gains tax, and giving first-time homeowners a federal handout, have been slammed by economic analysts and Republicans as unconstitutional and "communist."

Now that Kamala Harris has been coronated the Democratic Socialist designee for nomination as their candidate for President of these United States, after that political party's contrived primary process "democratically" elected Joseph R. Biden: What are your feelings about this party's progressive posture within their self-styled exercise of "Saving Democracy for America," and how truly critical the outcome of this presidential election will be?
  I am ecstatic that this "Democracy's" First partially Black, First partially Indian, First female Co-Parent, and that this nation's primary necessity, is to her elect our First woman president.
  I really do not care about all these "Firsts." I will continue to pray, and work for this Representative Republic to elect someone competent, and brilliantly patriotic to be our next president.
  I will never vote for any politician that "first" does not have the core values to understand how dire this Constitutional Republic's situation has become.
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Big Bob said:
( September 7th, 2024 @ 4:39 pm )
I hear the democrats are meeting in the Wendy's basement to plot and plan phase 2 of the Master plan over human sacrifice. Don't eat the Chile, if you get my drift....
( September 6th, 2024 @ 7:07 pm )
Thankfully, the readers on this platform know propaganda and propagandists when they see, hear, or debate them.
( September 6th, 2024 @ 4:29 pm )
The partisan Democrat major media (MSM = Marxist Socialist Media) have engineered a reboot of Kamala Harris, but they are more than partisan Democrats. They are operatives of the globalists, and Kamala the chameleon is in the hip pocket of the globalists. The American MSM propagandists learned their trade from the likes of Josef Gobbels. They are propagandists, not journalists.
( September 6th, 2024 @ 2:34 pm )
At this point in the game, anyone with common sense should see that everything in the political arena has become like professional wrestling.....completely scripted and choreographed.

Trump has his own issues to face (pushing "vaccines", siding with Neo-Con world leaders and other reasons we won't go into) BUT Kamala stands no chance against him.

As several of us have said for over four years, this is, to quote Mike Pompeo: "A live exercise". The craziest part of it all is that some still don't get it. Many are waking up but, as I said, some still believe all of this to be unscripted.

The so called "el-ites" function off of the stupidity and ignorance of the general public. If people know how to identify their (the globalists) methods of execution, the facade becomes very clear.
( September 5th, 2024 @ 10:08 am )
This whole sorry representation of an unknowledgeable self-governed people is reminiscent of the classic film "Being There," a farcical treatise of an unknown - Chauncey Gardner (Chance the Gardner) - an illiterate, illegitimate and hidden grown son of a Washington, DC insider, played by the great Peter Sellers. This naively kind stranger to the real world, thus moving in certain Liberal circles, finds himself somehow celebrated, and serendipitously worthy of consideration as a Presidential candidate for that United States, an America as directionless in the film, "Being There," as it is now.

The joke here is on that self-governed public, who had become so shallow and vapid that electing a president is more of a "good vibe" thing than picking a qualified leader in dangerous times ... like now; these most uncertain of days ahead.

The great irony here is that Hollywood created this fine and most prophetic film, when so many of their functionally vapid celebrities would now, about 4 decades later, support a candidate like the pathetically stupid Kamala Harris because of the "vibe" her hastily repackaged persona reveals to their "special" Leftist intellect.

The moral of that story, "Being There": Never underestimate the stupidity of fellow Americans, especially elites, who are indoctrinated to comply with what is easy or feels right, rather than know the basics of a proper path toward the wisdom of a Good People.

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