ANother Chinese spy working for a Democrat elected official is uncovered | Eastern North Carolina Now

Biden-Harris DOD stonewalls Congress Walz China ties


A few years ago, the connections between Red Chinese spy Fang-Fang and a proiminent Democrat Congressman were revealed, but nohting was done to the Congressman.  Now a proiminent Democrat Governor, Kathy Hochul of New York has been found to have a Red Chinese spy who has served as her assistant chief of staff throughout her term.

This all raises more questions about the extensive Red Chinese ties of Democrat VP candidate Tim Walz, who once worked at a government run school in communist China and visits China yearly.  Walz even deliberate held his wedding on the day of the Red Chinese crackdown on dissent in the Tiiananmen Square massacre, and then honeymooned in Red China.

Walz was a longtime member of the National Guard, and the regulations ofd the National Guard require approval and sometimes debriefing for trips of people at Walz' level to hostile countries like China.  When members of Congress sought answers from the Biden-Harris Department of Defense on whether Walz obtained permission for those trips, they were stonewalled.  Similar inquiries with the Minnesota National Guard office have also been stonewalled.

Indeed, Walz may not qualify for a US security clearance due to his extensive involvement with China.

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Bubba said:
( September 6th, 2024 @ 2:57 pm )
The ultimate communnist Chinese spy is named Tim Walz. You don't hang out in a foreign country as much as he did without being a fan boy. Heck, he even took his honeymoon there.
Big Bob said:
( September 4th, 2024 @ 7:08 pm )
In other news, Walz ordered lunch at the Happy Garden Restaurant out on Highway 11. He reportedly got the Kung Pow Chicken and MAGA quickly condemned the Gov because he passed up lunch at a local Cracker Barrel in favor of Chinese take out.

When questioned about the Chicoms, he reportedly said “I’m a big fan of their food”. There you have it folks. What more proof do you need?

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