DOJ indicts 2 Russians for election interference, gave $$$ to anti-Trump media company | Eastern North Carolina Now

no Americans indicted; curious timing given Chinese spy being uncovered


The Biden-Harris DOJ has indicted two Russian citizens who work for the Russia Today (RT) television network, for election interference in giving $10 million to a small Tennessee based media company that contracted with conservative influencers.  The publicity was obviously intended to imply that this money was going to help Donald Trump, but people familiar with the media company, Tenet Media say its owner, Lauren Chen has actually been promoting content calling on conservatives NOT to back Trump.

Maybe Russia feels it would rather deal with a patherically weak leader like Kamala Harris than a strong and forceful leader like Trump.

And the DOJ is ignoring China and Iran pusing Kamala Harris,  as well as the FBI's massive election interference which dwarfs anything any foreign country has done.

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Big Bob said:
( September 6th, 2024 @ 12:05 am )
IDK- as many as you can make up?
( September 5th, 2024 @ 2:08 pm )
Which one? Putin endoreing Kamala or more on China Tim Walz?

Or maybe taht some career FBI folks are now coming forward with their objections to the polticially motivated raid on Mar-a-Lago?
Big Bob said:
( September 5th, 2024 @ 12:35 pm )
I think you are ignoring the other breaking story.
( September 5th, 2024 @ 10:26 am )
Tenet Media and its owner Lauren Chen, are who took the money from the Russians, and they have been working to undercut Trump. That is probably why they were given the money. The people lower down did probably know nothing about the Russian money, and were apparently given a BS story by Chen.
Big Bob said:
( September 5th, 2024 @ 10:03 am )
The 3 influencers involved are all conservative. Matter of record big guy, matter of record. In their defense, NPR reports the 3 were duped rather than complicit.
( September 5th, 2024 @ 9:17 am )
The spin from the corrupt politicized agency of the Biden-Harris regime, the DOJ and FBI is trying to push the fairy tale that Russia is trying to intervene for Trump. However, for some time it has been clear that Putin would rather deal with weak sister Kamala Harris than strong adversary Doknald Trump, and Putin recently even admitted that himself. Thus, the information from objective media that the Russian money went to an organization trying to undercut Trump is very revealing. But the lying MSM (Marxist Socialist Media) won't tell you that.
Big Bob said:
( September 5th, 2024 @ 12:17 am )
You might want to re-read that story. This isn’t even close to the truth. Hehehehee

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what are Biden and Harris going to do about it other than flap their gums
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