Biden-Harris use millions US tax $ to build migrant superhighway in Panama | Eastern North Carolina Now

aiding and abetting illegal immigration


This is a lead story in a major British newspaper, but it will be difficult if not impossible to find in the corrupt and biased US MSM media.

The Biden-Harris regime has spent millions of dollars of American taxpayer money to build what has been deemed a "migrant superhighway" through the jungles of Panama's Darien gap to make it easier for illegal aliens to reach the United States.  This has turned what used to be a tortous 7 day trek through the jungle into an easy 3 or 4 day walk along marked and patrolled well constructed paths.  Instead of 10,000 migrants a year coming through the Darien Gap pre-Biden, there were 520,000 who did so in 2023.

This has not pleased everyone.  Newly elected Panamian President Jose Molino has expressed disgust at the trail of decomposing bodies the migrants leave strewn across his country.  He has pledged that Panama will shut down the Darien Gap migrant route.

This is not the only taxpayer money that Biden-Harris are spending abroad to promote Third World migrants illegally entering western countries.  They have also sent a staggering and unprecedented $1.4 Billion to the UN's International Organization for Migration.

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Big Bob said:
( September 29th, 2024 @ 9:00 pm )
What ever floats your boat. Your way of life that I hate. Tell us about that. What is it I supposedly hate? Be specific.
( September 29th, 2024 @ 6:24 pm )
Big Bob: Are Leftists so terrible at math that they are still trying to make the argument that they saved American public from Mr. Trump building a wall, because that vapid argument of Non Patriot Leftists is absolutely the most vacuous in all of American history, and belies incredible sophistry by those that hate our way of life, and our Constitutional Republic.
( September 29th, 2024 @ 3:33 pm )
Who is paying for the LACK of Trump's border wall are the American taxpayers who are hemoraging tens of billions of dollars to pay for these parasites. The American people have been scammed by the Biden-Harris open borders that are costing us billions. Spending American tax money to make it EASIER for illegal aliens to get to the US is an outrage. People involved should be prosecuted for the federal felony of aiding and abetting illegal immigration and jailed.
Big Bob said:
( September 28th, 2024 @ 9:09 am )
Money he told you the Mexican government would pay.

They didn’t.

You were scammed.
Big Bob said:
( September 28th, 2024 @ 9:12 am )
A-hole. really? I win.

MAGA-emotionally unstable and can’t govern
( September 28th, 2024 @ 1:18 pm )
During the 2020 election, I recall one of the most often repeated acclamations was that President Trump was one of the few who actually followed through with his stated campaign promises. A rarity among politicians, especially Democrats.
( September 28th, 2024 @ 9:42 pm )
During the 2020 election, I recall one of the most often repeated acclamations was that President Trump was one of the few who actually followed through with his stated campaign promises. A rarity among politicians, especially Democrats.
Van Zant said:
( September 28th, 2024 @ 9:48 am )
How quaint. The progressive mosquito calls swindling and treason statesmanship and actual governing incompetence. He even loses the morons with that argument. Never fear, there's always the imbeciles and idiots. They'll fall for anything.
( September 28th, 2024 @ 8:43 am )
Here is the difference. Trump spent tax $$ for a wall to keep illegal aliens OUT. Harris and Biden spent tax $$ on a road to help them get IN. One is a patriot and the other is a traitor.
( September 28th, 2024 @ 8:25 am )
We have an actual track record of who can govern and who cannot. Trump's record in office has proven he can govern successfully, and the Biden - Harris record has shown they cannot. Biden has said he delegated lots of authority to Kammie Harris on lots of things, not just the border, so it cannot all be blamed on just Biden.

Your silly far left talking point is a broken record, a-hole.
Big Bob said:
( September 27th, 2024 @ 11:46 pm )
10 minutes after he wins, he’ll move. He’s grifting you.

MAGA- can’t govern
( September 27th, 2024 @ 5:46 pm )
There is also a great of example of who can govern to secure the border at the executive level between Trump and Harris. Trump was succesful in securing the border, while Harris as "Border Czar" has presided over a huge flood of illegal aliens coming in. Who is successful on the border is very clear, and that is Trump.
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