Vast differences in Trump and Harris energy policies will impact your pocketbook | Eastern North Carolina Now

Harris policies will send energy skyrocketing


The Washington Times has a great edicotial on the vast differneces in the energy politices of President Trump and Vice President Harris and how they will impact American families.  Trump favors a "drill, baby, drill" approach to reduce energy costs while Harris is dead set on the radical Green New Deal, which would send energy prices into the stratosphere.  Harris is even more radical on that issue than Biden.

The price of energy impacts the price of just about everything else.  It was the Biden-Harris leftwing policies on energy that have been the biggest factor in the huge increase in the cost of food.

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Big Bob said:
( November 1st, 2024 @ 4:00 pm )
The gulf is warmer and stays warmer longer. A 5grade education tells us that hurricanes that form or pass through the Gulf will grow bigger, faster and stronger. Just a fact.
( November 1st, 2024 @ 2:50 pm )
More of your bogus crap, BS Bob? Even the Weather Channel, which usually parrots the climate alarmist line, told the truth about Hurricane Helene. A hurricane came up against a stalled cold front over the mountains, and that was the cause of the disaster, NOT CO2 or anything to do with your climate scientology cult. The same exact thing happened in 1916 in the same area, with the same result.
Big Bob said:
( November 1st, 2024 @ 8:43 am )
Ask those in Western Carolina how much the are paying. How much the taxpayer is paying?

You are paying and will continue to pay and there is nothing you can do about it.
( November 1st, 2024 @ 7:14 am )
The American consumer should not have to pay for the politicized pseudo-science of climate cult globalist politicians.

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