Tony DeCarlo said:
( December 14th, 2024 @ 2:09 pm )
I Love you Diane TILL WE MEET AGAIN 💕
Diane was a true patriot and tireless constitutional advocate. Above all else she was my loving vibrant exciting wife, and mother to our four children. Her absence is deafening as we try and learn to live without her. More importantly I want to help remember her legacy and will be working towards this outcome.
Diane, with her keen intellect, was a force for good. She was such a patriot and lover of freedom and truth. And she used her research and writing talents to advance the causes of freedom and good.
She is truly a one in a million, but the world needs more people like Diane. I will miss her. I already miss her. |
Just one more thing: Diane Rufino was one of the smartest lawyers I have ever consulted.
When asking pointed questions of JD Diane, she would break down the issue into the simplest terms of intent, and who benefited by not adhering to the simple tenets of Common Law and our US Constitution, and by these actions of those carrying the water of what would be wrong, Diane could easily devise who was representing the issues of common good vs the vestiges of the self-interested evil-at-all-costs coalition, thereby helping me with the simplest and true understanding of what was real, and how that perfect premise could be defended against what was patently wrong. Diane's wisdom dispensed to this good friend, on so many occasions, bolstered my ability to persevere my constant representation of what was rightful, proper and good. Her kind tutelage was so perfectly dispensed that her wise words did teach, and has well prepared me for so many future real life decisions that I have since made, allowing me the future tools to continue in so many of life's arenas, where necessary confrontation is reduced to the goodness of right vanquishing the evil of what is terribly wrong. In a two tiered justice system, with so many self-serving, self-centered and corrupt Democratic Socialist lawyers /judges, Republican Diane was an essential tool unto myself, and many other conscientious public servants that sought her wise advice to fight for what is inherently right. From the deepest of my fortified spirit, I am thankful for Diane Rufino, for my good constituents, and those who depend on the wise work of elected leaders, those who benefit from that promise of these good works in our self-governed society. |
There is so much to admire and appreciate about Diane. She was truly an intellectual: Scientist, Lawyer, Educator. She was a dedicated Patriot. On top of all that, she was a humble and genuine person.
I've been acquainted with Diane for many years because of mutual interests and mutual friends. In more recent years, I've gotten to know her better because of similar experiences caretaking for parents; then even more so when we shared our parallel journeys dealing with our own personal health issues. I am surely privileged to have known her. |
Diane was a real patriot who loved liberty and gave freely of her time and talents, which were many, to advance that cause. She will be missed. Her vast knowledge, calm demenanor and quick wit were a real asset to every project she undertook. Our country needs a lot more like Diane Rufino.
I first met Diane through my husband, Stan. They became quick friends through their mutual involvement with, and enthusiasm towards all things government. Lucky for me, Diane was a multi-faceted person that I could relate to on other topics.
She was very kind towards me and I appreciated her humble character. I was fascinated by her many intellectual achievements and will forever feel of her passing from this earth at such a young age as surreal. I am heartbroken for her family and am truly saddened that cancer has taken another fine person way too soon. Diane Rufino was truly one of God's good children, and is now resting in divine peace. |
Miss Diane was a sweet lady, a beautiful soul and a devoted patriot that saw the best in everyone. We lovingly called her our "Sarah Conner" for her courageous fight against cancer.
We should all take a page out of her book. She will most certainly be missed here in this plane but she is resting peacefully beyond the sunset. Rest easy, Miss Diane. |
Diane Rufino was, and will always be my very dear friend, and the smartest human I have ever consulted with regarding matters pertaining to the U.S. Constitution, and the sustaining of this Constitutional Republic as a self-governed society of we good people. Diane's wit and wisdom is legendary here in eastern North Carolina regarding all manner of proper governance of this Republic, and her wise patriotic voice was heard often in the walls of the General Assembly of North Carolina, and within the halls of our United States Capitol.
Diane Rufino was not only brilliant, but humble, and continuously patriotically generous with her valuable time as an intellectual leader here in eastern North Carolina, where her wise words have guided many politicians, here locally and beyond, to make careful and deliberate decisions based upon wise precedent, and the continual promise of perfect governing by virtue of the precepts of the United States Constitution - our governing bible - written, ratified and perfectly prescribed by our Founding Fathers. Going forward, it will be most difficult for me to fathom a world, where my dear friend Diane will not be occupying a large space, in the smartest room, within the best house, of we good people of this self-governed Representative Republic. |