Incompetence Reigns on the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners | Eastern North Carolina Now

On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, there occurred a Special Called Meeting of the Beaufort County Commissioners regarding possible land acquisition for the Beaufort County Schools due to their inadequate planning at the most essential level.

A sorry story of incompetence rewarding incompetence.

    On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, there occurred a Special Called Meeting of the Beaufort County Commissioners regarding possible land acquisition for the Beaufort County Schools due to their inadequate planning at the most essential level - the effort to gain clear title to land already thought owned, yet under the threat of great penalty by defect of title. Consequently, the commissioners did meet on short notice, and after some wise discussion to the contrary, the Beaufort County Commissioners did vote to unwisely waste an additional $500,000.00 to buy a piece of land, that they did not need to buy, to eventually build a school that many believe does not need to be built ... not if one considers the People's treasury sacrosanct at the local level. Obviously, the Center-Left Coalition considers this "play money" a big piece of their political play pen.

Beaufort County Commissioners meet to decide whether to spend $500,000.00 of the public's tax dollars, or choose the no cost option to achieve the same benefit of saving the Beaufort County Schools from their abject incompetence.     Click image to expand.

    The county commissioners voted 3 to 4, in the affirmative, to spend a half of a million dollars to purchase 4 acres from the City of Washington, so that the Beaufort County Schools' title to land already considered owned by them, with a remainder interest to the county government of Beaufort. To clarify that supposed need to own these 4 acres, the Beaufort County Schools, with the ongoing support of Beaufort County's governing Center-Left Coalition, were caught about to build a 52 million dollar school on land thought to be fully owned entirely by the Beaufort County School System; but, with a severe defect in title, 4 acres, where the retaining pond was to be located, was owned instead by the City of Washington.

    Voting against the motion to quickly spend $500,000.00, to clean-up a question of incompetence by the Beaufort County School Board, their administration and their Durham County based Board Attorney, was Republican Commissioners Hood Richardson, Tandy Dunn and Stan Deatherage. Voting to spend the half of a million dollars rather than swap 4 acre parcels of land between the county government and the school board, at no additional expense, was all members of the Center-Left Coalition; a group that has come together in a bipartisan manner to swap votes to share power, coalition members - Jerry Langley, Ed Booth, Frankie Waters and Randy Walker.

    In discussing the antics of the infamous Center-Left Coalition, Commissioner Hood Richardson has often stated, "If these Leftist commissioners did not exhibit incompetence, they would show no part of the word competence at all in their political dealings." Take a gander at this video offered below, and you decide.

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( February 6th, 2025 @ 8:59 am )
Conservative Voter: You are right; the only people that that every mention felonies in connection with Mr. Trump are the completely unknowledgeable, and, or, the Non Patriot Left.
( February 6th, 2025 @ 8:17 am )
Only those on the extreme left give any credence to the trumped up politically motivated fake charges brought against President Trump by that crooked Soros prosecutor. Everybody else has that scam figured out.
Big Bob said:
( February 5th, 2025 @ 7:57 pm )
On planet earth, he was.
( February 5th, 2025 @ 7:48 pm )
Kangaroo courts and Stalin SHow Trials don't count, Bolshevik Bob. The American people have figured that out, if you would bother to read the polls.
( February 5th, 2025 @ 10:12 am )
Big Bob: President Trump was NEVER arrested by a real prosecutor, charged with a real crime, nor prosecuted by a real judge, in a real court in a non corrupted state.

Every human, with a full working brain, KNOWS that this is /was a Non Patriot Leftist fantasy, and nothing more.

The scourge of Lawfare, by corrupt Democratic Socialists and Non Patriot Leftist fake lawyers and jurists, is being rooted out as I type, and one very day soon, this Constitutional Republic will once again become a "Nation of Laws."
Big Bob said:
( February 5th, 2025 @ 9:21 am )
Dude, the president was arrested, charged and convicted of 34 felonies.

That's the problem with living in a lawless society. However since most of you are ok with that, you look like fools bringing up legal problems of others.

Southern Proverty does a good job. The fact they live rent free in your head confirms it.
( February 5th, 2025 @ 5:10 am )
Yes, Bolshevik Bob, there are far left hate sites like Southern Poverty Law Center who constantly spew hate at conservative sites and have the gall to call their opponentss "hate sites" or "hate groups". One of the attorneys at the Southern Poverty Law Center was arrested in Atlanta for terrorism, which tells you all you need to know about those phonies.
( February 5th, 2025 @ 2:33 am )
Well, your "net nanny," or whomever is responsible in shielding you Leftists from the emotional damage of so-called "hate speech," does have one exact thing in common with the former administration ... profound stupidity, and ...

That's bona fide.
Big Bob said:
( February 4th, 2025 @ 10:00 pm )
Our net nanny at work dubs the BO a hate site and blocks it. I was bummed, but I get it.
( February 4th, 2025 @ 3:51 pm )
One would think that the City of Washington would handle their own promotion online ...

One thing is absolutely for sure, I will NOT be allowed to quote their digital business, even though my small company is the only entity that can achieve excellence at this highest level of competence here in eastern NC.
( February 4th, 2025 @ 3:16 pm )
Wikipedia has been denounced by its co-founder as "badly biased to the left". No wonder it does not include conseervative sources. It is heavily infiltrated by the Soros mafia.
( February 4th, 2025 @ 1:42 pm )
I personally could do a title search, even though it has been years since I have done so, and I do well understand how to forensically follow the chain of title; however, it is the responsibility of the county government to show a measure of incorruptibility, and perform that title search on behalf of the people.

It might be better if I request a public information request since the taxpayers own that title search already that was recently done.

Also the City of Washington does not consider me, or anything I am involved with to be real.

I just do not believe that their poor politicians, or their flagging bureaucrats possess the mental acuity to know what is real. Case in point, I nearly begged the city government to do their website, and when it came to getting it done, I was not invited to bid on it.

The problem there for me is two fold , which I do realize at this point: 1) The City of Washington will always pay more for any product or goods and services if they can purchase said goods / services out of the area, and in this case out of the state; 2) Additionally, due to the mental acuity factor in their flagging bureaucracy, the City of Washington is foresworn to constant and unmitigated mediocrity.

As a provider of value in everything we do here at SNI, my level of service would never qualify, since I would have been the low cost provider; additionally our complete inability to be mediocre in anything that we create would have been detriment in the City of Washington's level of mediocrity always desired when spending the public's money.
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