‘Turn Back Now’: Miller Cautions Illegal Immigrants, Threatens ‘Prosecution and Expulsion’ | Eastern North Carolina Now

“All illegal aliens seeking entry into the United States should turn back now."

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Nathan Gay.

    Trump White House Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller delivered a stern warning to illegal immigrants, threatening potential aliens with "prosecution and expulsion" under the new Trump administration.

    "All illegal aliens seeking entry into the United States should turn back now. Anyone entering the United States without authorization faces prosecution and expulsion," Miller wrote Monday on X.

    Regarding Miller's tweet, The New York Times reported, "The term 'expulsion' refers to the rapid removal of migrants at the border through a public health authority, known as Title 42." Title 42 was used during the COVID pandemic from March 2020 until May 2023 in order to deny migrants the right to seek asylum, with U.S. officials turning away roughly 2.8 million asylum seekers under the emergency health mandate.

    Miller, an immigration advisor to Trump for nearly a decade, delivered this warning hours after the Trump administration shut down the CBP One app, which has been used by nearly a million migrants since 2023 to enter the country according to the New York Times. The CBP website states that along with the app no longer being functional, all "existing appointments have been canceled."

    The end of the CBP One app presents a major step in Trump's vision of cracking down on the crisis at the border, a vision that Miller is spearheading.

    Miller reportedly met with top GOP officials on Capitol Hill on Sunday, laying out Trump's sweeping array of executive orders, with five of the ten focusing on illegal immigration.

    According to Punchbowl News, "Trump will classify drug cartels as 'foreign terrorist organizations,' a dramatic move he never took in his first term; declare an emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border, which will allow Trump to deploy military forces to the border; stiffen interior enforcement; move toward reinstatement of the 'Remain in Mexico' policy; end 'catch and release'; and generally restrict entry into the United States."


    Miller reiterated these points at Trump's pre-inauguration rally at Capital One Arena on Sunday afternoon, with more details on these executive orders expected to be released to the public within the week.

    "He has always been fighting for all of us. And what is that going to look like come Monday afternoon, it's going to mean an executive order ending the border invasion, sending illegals home, and taking America back. It's going to mean the eradication of the criminal cartels and the foreign gangs who are preying on our people, and it's going to mean justice for every American citizen who has lost a loved one to an illegal alien."

Now that President Trump is picking his cabinet and immediate staff to insulate him from the poor judgement of the Bureaucratic Class, while moving quickly to transition this Constitutional Republic unto a wise and sustainable direction: What is your immediate impression as to how our nation will prosper?
  We are headed toward a Golden Age in America's self-governed society.
  This will all wind up in a clustered mess since Trump is a Fascist, and thought to be the second coming of Adolf Hitler by our best journalists.
  This is a time where critical days lay ahead, where only wise and responsible decisions must be made to sustain US.
  I generally do not pay attention, but expect only the best to occur ... and that is what I always expect.
28 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Should the Institutionalized Corruption of the Biden /Harris Administration, in this separate instance the Open Border Policy of our Sovereign Southern Border, be not only tolerated, but sanctioned by the raising of local spending by local politicians to pay for these now visible and known effects of rampant, and out-of-control Illegal Immigration?
  Yes, it is a kind thing to do, and a way that our county, our state can aid in this tremendous effort toward local federal foreign aid; and now, thankfully, in great abundance.
  No, our Constitutional Republic WILL NOT continue to exist, as our United States of America, if we do not control our sovereign borders, to protect our citizens, to keep them solvent and safe.
  I only consider what is topical and popular since my friends, too, only care to do the same.
305 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

The previous poll on Eastern NC NOW showcased what are many of OUR Constitutional Republic's certain obstacles to remain viable, where the top encumbrance to that continuance as a functioning Republic was the Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border. Understanding this overwhelming concern to real America citizens: Do you believe it important to challenge the veracity of those legislated concerns of Democratic Socialists by transporting Illegal Migrants to their Sanctuary cities, counties and states for their direct care?
  Yes; test the depth of their "compassion" by giving Democratic Socialists an opportunity to enact all Sanctuary provisions in their communities to test how much they truly do care.
  No; the Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border Project is designed to only inundate "Red States" to begin their Demographic Upheaval for the benefit of we Democratic Socialists, our politics.
  I generally do NOT care about politics, but it is fun watching abject hypocrites squirm; maybe I will start getting more involved.
448 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Understanding that there are two firm positions concerning the Open Border Crises, but many realties regarding its current, and, or projected real impacts to the functioning, sustainability of this Constitutional Republic: What position below best represents what you know to be true regarding this impactful policy?
  The United States' must continue the Executive initiative of Open Borders until a Democratic Congress can codify full Demographic Inclusion by keeping the Biden /Harris Open Borders policy in place.
  Our United States' borders are sovereign just as are our self-governed citizens, where borders must be maintained, monitored and defended, which is the position of core Republicans.
  I am in favor of Open Borders to make my America more of a global community; however, the federal government must now fix problems that "Red State" governors have caused in our cities.
  I do NOT favor the Democratic Socialists' disruption of the cultural fabric of my Representative Republic, and there will be Treasonous Hell to Pay when the certain calamity begins in earnest.
225 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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( January 25th, 2025 @ 10:25 pm )
Stephen Miller has been called many derisive names by the Non Patriot Left, but President Trump knows him as simply as "Brilliant."

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