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17 Results found for andrew bates

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House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) took a shot at President Joe Biden on Thursday over the prospect of the administration using executive powers to address the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border as the commander-in-chief revs up his campaign to get re-elected this November.
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) took a shot at President Joe Biden on Thursday over the prospect of the administration using executive powers to address the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border as the commander-in-chief revs up his campaign to get re-elected this November.
Former President Donald Trump stirred controversy on Saturday as he revived a long-running critique of NATO over how much its member nations contribute financially to the alliance, alluding to his hardball negotiation tactics with other world leaders on the subject.
Former President Donald Trump stirred controversy on Saturday as he revived a long-running critique of NATO over how much its member nations contribute financially to the alliance, alluding to his hardball negotiation tactics with other world leaders on the subject.
After handing $100 million to terrorists hellbent on killing Jews, the White House today accused Elon Musk of being an antisemite over a social media post.
After handing $100 million to terrorists hellbent on killing Jews, the White House today accused Elon Musk of being an antisemite over a social media post.
Just when President Joe Biden made headlines for venting about his low poll numbers, he received another reason to fret on Monday, weeks before the start of the 2024 election year in which he is seeking a second term.
Just when President Joe Biden made headlines for venting about his low poll numbers, he received another reason to fret on Monday, weeks before the start of the 2024 election year in which he is seeking a second term.
At this point, the bar for President Joe Biden’s response in times of crisis is pretty low. The guy is a disaster.
At this point, the bar for President Joe Biden’s response in times of crisis is pretty low. The guy is a disaster.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) called on President Joe Biden to continue debt ceiling negotiations with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as the federal government quickly approaches a default on obligations.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) called on President Joe Biden to continue debt ceiling negotiations with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as the federal government quickly approaches a default on obligations.
So, the U.S. Secret Service over the weekend found a little baggie of cocaine in the White House (insert your own Hunter Biden jokes here).
So, the U.S. Secret Service over the weekend found a little baggie of cocaine in the White House (insert your own Hunter Biden jokes here).
The Biden administration refused to say on Thursday that the cocaine that was found in the White House this week did not belong to President Joe Biden or his son, Hunter Biden.
The Biden administration refused to say on Thursday that the cocaine that was found in the White House this week did not belong to President Joe Biden or his son, Hunter Biden.
White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates raised eyebrows on Thursday when he claimed that the Hatch Act barred him from answering any questions about the cocaine that was found in the White House over the weekend.
White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates raised eyebrows on Thursday when he claimed that the Hatch Act barred him from answering any questions about the cocaine that was found in the White House over the weekend.
Senior officials in the Biden administration have tried to pin the blame for the train derailment and subsequent chemical fallout in East Palestine, Ohio, on deregulation efforts from former President Donald Trump
Senior officials in the Biden administration have tried to pin the blame for the train derailment and subsequent chemical fallout in East Palestine, Ohio, on deregulation efforts from former President Donald Trump
FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell vowed that Hurricane Ian relief would be provided to “all communities” after Vice President Kamala Harris discussed the Biden administration’s general policy of providing “climate resilience” resources on an equitable basis.
FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell vowed that Hurricane Ian relief would be provided to “all communities” after Vice President Kamala Harris discussed the Biden administration’s general policy of providing “climate resilience” resources on an equitable basis.
Vice President Kamala Harris was called out Friday evening by entrepreneur Elon Musk after she discussed the Biden administration policy prioritizing giving “climate resilience” resources to minorities for the sake of “equity” because the administration wants everyone to end up “in an equal place.”
Vice President Kamala Harris was called out Friday evening by entrepreneur Elon Musk after she discussed the Biden administration policy prioritizing giving “climate resilience” resources to minorities for the sake of “equity” because the administration wants everyone to end up “in an equal place.”
The White House is claiming they are unfamiliar with anti-Joe Biden chants, such as the blunt and ever-popular “F*** Joe Biden” chant, and the more recent “Let’s Go Brandon” meme. The latter went viral following a recent NASCAR race.
The White House is claiming they are unfamiliar with anti-Joe Biden chants, such as the blunt and ever-popular “F*** Joe Biden” chant, and the more recent “Let’s Go Brandon” meme. The latter went viral following a recent NASCAR race.
Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) wore a “Let’s Go Brandon” mask on the House floor Monday.
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, March 29, 2021
Naomi Lim of the Washington Examiner highlights the slow progress of President Joe Biden in filling Cabinet-level positions.
Naomi Lim of the Washington Examiner highlights the slow progress of President Joe Biden in filling Cabinet-level positions.


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