Results found for democrat linda coleman | Eastern North Carolina Now

14 Results found for democrat linda coleman

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Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper claims to have won the governor's race, incumbent Republican Gov. Pat McCrory says votes remain uncounted that could reverse Cooper's razor-thin margin, and several Council of State races swung from Democratic to GOP control in Tuesday's historic general electi
Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper claims to have won the governor's race, incumbent Republican Gov. Pat McCrory says votes remain uncounted that could reverse Cooper's razor-thin margin, and several Council of State races swung from Democratic to GOP control in Tuesday's historic general electi
Fresh off a successful re-election race at home, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest has won another election on a national platform. He was chosen by his GOP peers as 2017 vice chairman of the Republican Lieutenant Governors Association
Fresh off a successful re-election race at home, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest has won another election on a national platform. He was chosen by his GOP peers as 2017 vice chairman of the Republican Lieutenant Governors Association
A stunning election night ended with several election races - including the contest for governor - unresolved, even as Republicans Donald Trump and Richard Burr scored significant victories and the GOP retained its supermajority status in the General Assembly
A stunning election night ended with several election races - including the contest for governor - unresolved, even as Republicans Donald Trump and Richard Burr scored significant victories and the GOP retained its supermajority status in the General Assembly
People were calling in to Rush talking about "teaching a lesson" to The Establishment. Rush had an interesting response: The establishment is not 'teachable.'
People were calling in to Rush talking about "teaching a lesson" to The Establishment. Rush had an interesting response: The establishment is not 'teachable.'
The 2012 election cycle didn't offer a lot for Tea Partiers to get excited about.
The 2012 election cycle didn't offer a lot for Tea Partiers to get excited about.
The results from November's election for the General Assembly and the Council of State raise questions about the effectiveness of North Carolina's unusual practice of electing 10 executive branch officials.
The results from November's election for the General Assembly and the Council of State raise questions about the effectiveness of North Carolina's unusual practice of electing 10 executive branch officials.
SNL mocked her accent. She talks “funny”, so she must be an idiot — Just like George W. Bush. You know, THAT guy from Texas with the degrees from Harvard and Yale. Bill Clinton talks “funny” too, but he’s OK because (1) he agrees with us and (2) he’s married to our hero Butch Rodham.
SNL mocked her accent. She talks “funny”, so she must be an idiot — Just like George W. Bush. You know, THAT guy from Texas with the degrees from Harvard and Yale. Bill Clinton talks “funny” too, but he’s OK because (1) he agrees with us and (2) he’s married to our hero Butch Rodham.
A postelection briefing by the N.C. FreeEnterprise Foundation spelled out the magnitude of the dramatic gains made by Republicans in the Nov. 6 election.
A postelection briefing by the N.C. FreeEnterprise Foundation spelled out the magnitude of the dramatic gains made by Republicans in the Nov. 6 election.
In the North Carolina Lt. Governor's Race, Democrat Linda Coleman lost to Republican Dan Forest by 11,103 votes out of 4,331,101 votes cast for this office.
In the North Carolina Lt. Governor's Race, Democrat Linda Coleman lost to Republican Dan Forest by 11,103 votes out of 4,331,101 votes cast for this office.
Former Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory became North Carolina's third Republican governor since Reconstruction and the first since the 19th century to work with a General Assembly controlled by his own party, as the GOP built on its electoral momentum from 2010.
Former Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory became North Carolina's third Republican governor since Reconstruction and the first since the 19th century to work with a General Assembly controlled by his own party, as the GOP built on its electoral momentum from 2010.
But when the conversation turns to races like Secretary of State, Secretary of Labor, and Superintendent of Public Instruction, eyes glaze over, yawns break out, and looks of confusion take over.
But when the conversation turns to races like Secretary of State, Secretary of Labor, and Superintendent of Public Instruction, eyes glaze over, yawns break out, and looks of confusion take over.
Robeson County is about as yellow-dog Democrat as you can get. In 1972, while George McGovern was getting destroyed nationwide by Richard Nixon - he was winning comfortably in Robeson County.
Robeson County is about as yellow-dog Democrat as you can get. In 1972, while George McGovern was getting destroyed nationwide by Richard Nixon - he was winning comfortably in Robeson County.
The Shelter Providers Political Action Committee Enterprise (SPPACE), a non-partisan political action committee made up of Realtors(TM), homebuilders, ommercial and multifamily developers and commercial real estate brokers, has endorsed Dan Forest for NC Lt. Governor.
The Shelter Providers Political Action Committee Enterprise (SPPACE), a non-partisan political action committee made up of Realtors(TM), homebuilders, ommercial and multifamily developers and commercial real estate brokers, has endorsed Dan Forest for NC Lt. Governor.
an Forest, Republican candidate for Lt. Governor, was graded "A" by the National Rifle Association (NRA), thus earning their endorsement in this race.
an Forest, Republican candidate for Lt. Governor, was graded "A" by the National Rifle Association (NRA), thus earning their endorsement in this race.


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