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34 Results found for economic collapse

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The Biden administration has said that Venezuelan immigrants who illegally entered the United States will be directly deported back to the South American country after a record number crossed the southern border last month.
The Biden administration has said that Venezuelan immigrants who illegally entered the United States will be directly deported back to the South American country after a record number crossed the southern border last month.
A record number of illegal immigrants from Venezuela crossed the U.S. southern border in September, according to Department of Homeland Security preliminary data.
A record number of illegal immigrants from Venezuela crossed the U.S. southern border in September, according to Department of Homeland Security preliminary data.
No greater example of high crimes and treason since the adoption of the Conttituti8on
No greater example of high crimes and treason since the adoption of the Conttituti8on
Betting against every new college football head coach in their opener is an old but steady handicapping technique that provides a most favourable player bias according to the Oil Man.
Betting against every new college football head coach in their opener is an old but steady handicapping technique that provides a most favourable player bias according to the Oil Man.
Five governments spent vast resources undertaking a tax evasion probe. They came up empty—then, it seems, they decided to smear an innocent man.
Five governments spent vast resources undertaking a tax evasion probe. They came up empty—then, it seems, they decided to smear an innocent man.
The potentially biggest event in our lifetimes occurred this week. No, it wasn’t the indictment of a former President of the United States by a politically motivated District Attorney.
The potentially biggest event in our lifetimes occurred this week. No, it wasn’t the indictment of a former President of the United States by a politically motivated District Attorney.
As a showdown looms over increasing the debt ceiling once again, President Biden warned that partisan bickering over the issue could lead the U.S. to default on its obligations to Ukraine.
As a showdown looms over increasing the debt ceiling once again, President Biden warned that partisan bickering over the issue could lead the U.S. to default on its obligations to Ukraine.
For creating our own destruction
For creating our own destruction
A missile attack from an Iranian-backed extremist group on a mosque and religious school has reportedly killed dozens of civilians in Yemen.
A missile attack from an Iranian-backed extremist group on a mosque and religious school has reportedly killed dozens of civilians in Yemen.
The Federal Reserve announced on Thursday that the American banking system is projected to be able to weather the next recession.
The Federal Reserve announced on Thursday that the American banking system is projected to be able to weather the next recession.
Remarks by President Biden on the April Jobs Report
The UNC System wants to ensure new degree programs prepare students for successful careers.
A mental health pandemic and economic collapse are assured, even with "fast tracking" of vaccine development.
A mental health pandemic and economic collapse are assured, even with "fast tracking" of vaccine development.
With massive unemployment forced on the people of North Carolina by government decree, the State should sharply curtail and preferably halt its state run gambling business.
With massive unemployment forced on the people of North Carolina by government decree, the State should sharply curtail and preferably halt its state run gambling business.
It has been suggested that the expansion of free market think tanks on our college campuses is educationally harmful.
Smokey The Bear Was Looking Right At Me, Therefore, I Know He Blamed Me!
Smokey The Bear Was Looking Right At Me, Therefore, I Know He Blamed Me!
With the economic collapse of the last decade brought on largely due to the bursting of the housing bubble, does anybody still think it a good idea for government to encourage investments in "underserved" populations
With the economic collapse of the last decade brought on largely due to the bursting of the housing bubble, does anybody still think it a good idea for government to encourage investments in "underserved" populations
Frustration with the rising cost of health care gave politicians the ammo they needed to hang this ObamaCare monstrosity around our necks.
Frustration with the rising cost of health care gave politicians the ammo they needed to hang this ObamaCare monstrosity around our necks.
Settlement of he Pamlico area of eastern North Carolina was first attempted by the English when the Lost Colony was established on Roanoke Island in 1585.
Settlement of he Pamlico area of eastern North Carolina was first attempted by the English when the Lost Colony was established on Roanoke Island in 1585.
We got hit with headlines this week suggesting that roadwork across the state could grind to a halt very soon -- thanks to the Federal Highway Trust Fund running out of money
We got hit with headlines this week suggesting that roadwork across the state could grind to a halt very soon -- thanks to the Federal Highway Trust Fund running out of money
In addition to the adoption of the fiscal year budget, early Tax Revaluation was on the Beaufort County Commissioner's agenda for discussion at their June monthly meeting.
In addition to the adoption of the fiscal year budget, early Tax Revaluation was on the Beaufort County Commissioner's agenda for discussion at their June monthly meeting.
The event's featured speaker, however, was none other than Glenn Beck, who delivered a riveting speech outlining exactly what is at stake in the government's concerted scheme to shut down political opposition.
The event's featured speaker, however, was none other than Glenn Beck, who delivered a riveting speech outlining exactly what is at stake in the government's concerted scheme to shut down political opposition.
What does it mean to be Republican? Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater established the national party as a force for shrinking government and cutting taxes.
What does it mean to be Republican? Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater established the national party as a force for shrinking government and cutting taxes.
Let us not be so cavalier with the system that our Founders crafted for us, the one secured by the blood of over a million Americans, and the one that the rest of the world looks to.
Let us not be so cavalier with the system that our Founders crafted for us, the one secured by the blood of over a million Americans, and the one that the rest of the world looks to.
Once again, we got treated to a double-header of televised political brilliance.
Once again, we got treated to a double-header of televised political brilliance.
The official name of the sweeping healthcare reform bill is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148). It passed the House of Congress narrowly, by a vote of 220 - 215.
The official name of the sweeping healthcare reform bill is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148). It passed the House of Congress narrowly, by a vote of 220 - 215.
I've seen and heard WAY too much lately about Mitt Romney's tax returns. The Obama sycophants at the AP slobbered all over the Romney documents, pointing out -- from the Marxist, statist, class warfare perspective - how much the Mittster made and the percentage he paid. WHO CARES ??????
I've seen and heard WAY too much lately about Mitt Romney's tax returns. The Obama sycophants at the AP slobbered all over the Romney documents, pointing out -- from the Marxist, statist, class warfare perspective - how much the Mittster made and the percentage he paid. WHO CARES ??????
Frank Daniels III – cousin of Southern Pines Pilot publisher David Woronoff and one of four partners who own Moore County’s Pulitzer Prize winning thrice weekly paper — is mighty disappointed with the voters of his home state.
Frank Daniels III – cousin of Southern Pines Pilot publisher David Woronoff and one of four partners who own Moore County’s Pulitzer Prize winning thrice weekly paper — is mighty disappointed with the voters of his home state.
His speech to the Beaufort County Democratic Party Executive Committee attempted to cast a silver lining around the past two years, so that he and his Democratic colleagues can retain power.
His speech to the Beaufort County Democratic Party Executive Committee attempted to cast a silver lining around the past two years, so that he and his Democratic colleagues can retain power.
Labor Day traditionally begins the mid-term election campaign season and is a good point to reflect on what will happen in some eight short weeks.
Labor Day traditionally begins the mid-term election campaign season and is a good point to reflect on what will happen in some eight short weeks.
The debt bubble is strangling each of us in a tightening economic noose that drives free men and women to their knees.
The debt bubble is strangling each of us in a tightening economic noose that drives free men and women to their knees.
There are two types of "money" competing with each other in America today as our economy enters the final stages of a deflationary economic collapse.
There are two types of "money" competing with each other in America today as our economy enters the final stages of a deflationary economic collapse.


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