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24 Results found for edmund burke

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Commissioners need to realize what their decisions really do to some people
Commissioners need to realize what their decisions really do to some people
Political prisoners denied justice
The elites of our time have their eyes set on saving
It was momentous and educational.
The armed mobs of the right and left are comically pathetic.
The undercounted cost of the COVID pandemic is in the lives lost to despair, addiction, suicide, and other illnesses.
The undercounted cost of the COVID pandemic is in the lives lost to despair, addiction, suicide, and other illnesses.
Over the past two weeks, a fascinating intellectual conflict has broken out on the Right over pornography, of all things.
Over the past two weeks, a fascinating intellectual conflict has broken out on the Right over pornography, of all things.
At a Young America’s Foundation’s Fred Allen Lecture Series event on the campus of Stanford University Thursday evening, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro unpacked the “dangerous game” being played by both the radical Left and Alt-Right — two groups, he argued, that “feed off one another.”
At a Young America’s Foundation’s Fred Allen Lecture Series event on the campus of Stanford University Thursday evening, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro unpacked the “dangerous game” being played by both the radical Left and Alt-Right — two groups, he argued, that “feed off one another.”
Anyone who knows me knows how much I love history and how much time I spend reading and researching historical events.
Anyone who knows me knows how much I love history and how much time I spend reading and researching historical events.
The continued employment of an unhinged, violent anarchist as a lecturer at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill says a whole lot about the university system’s standards when deciding who should influence the next generation.
The continued employment of an unhinged, violent anarchist as a lecturer at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill says a whole lot about the university system’s standards when deciding who should influence the next generation.
The great British statesman and writer Edmund Burke was a critic of his government's treatment of the American colonies in the years preceding the Revolutionary War
The great British statesman and writer Edmund Burke was a critic of his government's treatment of the American colonies in the years preceding the Revolutionary War
The year 1776 was the high watermark of the Enlightenment. Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations, and Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence
The year 1776 was the high watermark of the Enlightenment. Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations, and Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence
Shakespeare suggested in "As You Like It" that "all the world's a stage." Now, 400 years later, our constitutional system faces threats from political "actors" who are treating the Bard's words too literally
Shakespeare suggested in "As You Like It" that "all the world's a stage." Now, 400 years later, our constitutional system faces threats from political "actors" who are treating the Bard's words too literally
Conservatives today seem to be pretty good at winning elections. They also seem to be pretty good at spreading their ideas; there are more conservative think tanks, student groups, campus centers, policy organizations, and media outlets than ever before.
Conservatives today seem to be pretty good at winning elections. They also seem to be pretty good at spreading their ideas; there are more conservative think tanks, student groups, campus centers, policy organizations, and media outlets than ever before.
Modern American conservatism weaves several strands of thought - constitutionally limited government, free-market economics, time-honored virtues, and prudent statesmanship - into a fabric that is both large enough to encompass a majority coalition and strong enough to withstand
Modern American conservatism weaves several strands of thought - constitutionally limited government, free-market economics, time-honored virtues, and prudent statesmanship - into a fabric that is both large enough to encompass a majority coalition and strong enough to withstand
Many in academia bemoan the increasing and overwhelming focus on graduates’ job prospects.
There is an interesting and little-noticed revolution going on at the elite levels of the national Republican Party. Whereas the party was led at one time by WASPs - essentially white, Anglo-Saxon Episcopalians and Presbyterians with a few Anglicans, Methodists, and Lutherans thrown in - it is...
There is an interesting and little-noticed revolution going on at the elite levels of the national Republican Party. Whereas the party was led at one time by WASPs - essentially white, Anglo-Saxon Episcopalians and Presbyterians with a few Anglicans, Methodists, and Lutherans thrown in - it is...
An academic institution cannot be all things to all people; it is a particular institution that fills particular needs and has particular limitations. Too expansive a mission can easily be turned toward wasteful means and political ends.
An academic institution cannot be all things to all people; it is a particular institution that fills particular needs and has particular limitations. Too expansive a mission can easily be turned toward wasteful means and political ends.
Mark Levin, who wrote an excellent book "The Liberty Amendments" to urge states to call for an Article V Convention to propose constitutional amendments to restore the federal government back to some sort of constitutional limits, calls Nullifiers "kooks."
Mark Levin, who wrote an excellent book "The Liberty Amendments" to urge states to call for an Article V Convention to propose constitutional amendments to restore the federal government back to some sort of constitutional limits, calls Nullifiers "kooks."
But Ryan, the Wisconsin Republican and House Budget Committee chairman, brings to the ticket a set of skills sometimes lacking in today's Republican Party. That is refreshing and important.
But Ryan, the Wisconsin Republican and House Budget Committee chairman, brings to the ticket a set of skills sometimes lacking in today's Republican Party. That is refreshing and important.
The official theme of the first night of the Democratic National Convention may have been "Americans Coming Together," but anyone listening to the speeches and watching the videos heard little more than a litany of grievances from the swamps of identity politics.
The official theme of the first night of the Democratic National Convention may have been "Americans Coming Together," but anyone listening to the speeches and watching the videos heard little more than a litany of grievances from the swamps of identity politics.
Stan Deatherage, and to a lesser extent, Hood Richardson, have come under strong attacks by some of the supporters of University Health Systems taking over the Beaufort Hospital.
Stan Deatherage, and to a lesser extent, Hood Richardson, have come under strong attacks by some of the supporters of University Health Systems taking over the Beaufort Hospital.


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